The latest season of Rick and Morty brings back a familiar trope from earlier seasons, as the show dives into the horror genre once again. Season 7's 'Rickfending Your Mort' episode features a string...
Rick and Morty have encountered numerous alternate versions of themselves, each with their own unique characteristics. Let's take a look at the top 9 Ricks from the multiverse, each with their own dis...
Delve into the madness of the 'Rick and Morty' multiverse with our countdown of the top 9 most bizarre and unpredictable episodes of the show. From universe-hopping adventures to time-traveling snakes...
Fans eagerly await Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 11 after the thrilling cliffhanger in Episode 10's post-credits scene However, tonight's absence of the new episode leaves viewers wondering about th...
Rick and Morty has an incredible cast of characters, and these 10 supporting characters should have a much bigger role in season 8. The main characters of Rick and Morty have had plenty of time to be...
A detailed analysis of the top 10 most powerful villains in the Rick and Morty universe, ranking them based on their abilities and impact on the series.