Recent Attack on Titan leaks unveil a deeply impactful moment for Eren, leaving fans shocked As the anime approaches its finale, the validity of altering the ending comes into question Here are our fi...
Jujutsu Kaisen S2 Ep15 raises the bar with breathtaking animation in the intense battle between Toji and Dagon, showcasing Studio MAPPA's exceptional talent once again
MAPPA's latest hint suggests Attack on Titan's finale might feature an anime-original climax, sparking intrigue amongst fans Explore the legacy of the manga's controversial ending and the potential fo...
Attack on Titan's Mangaka, Hajime Isayama, offers his heartfelt apology to MAPPA, the studio behind the anime's final chapter Discover the impact of Isayama's message on devoted fans
Get ready for an epic finale as MAPPA brings back Linked Horizon for the opening theme of Attack on Titan Fans are thrilled and eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated conclusion to this iconic series
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 offers captivating content, but a fraction of fans express discontent with the animation studio Let's delve into the production concerns behind the series
Jujutsu Kaisen animator apologizes for subpar animation in latest episode, sparking fan debate over MAPPA's working conditions in the competitive anime industry