Studio Ghibli's upcoming film, 'The Boy and the Heron,' breaks records as the most expensive Japanese movie ever made Despite minimal marketing, the studio reveals that this highly anticipated anime b...
Hayao Miyazaki's final masterpiece, The Boy and The Heron, smashes Studio Ghibli's box office records with an unprecedented opening weekend A captivating blend of enchanting storytelling and breathtak...
Discover the enchanting world of Hayao Miyazaki's final masterpiece, How Do You Live? as it unveils its captivating story, talented cast, and its new English title, The Boy and the Heron Immerse yours...
Fans react with overwhelming positivity as Hayao Miyazaki's final masterpiece, How Do You Live?, debuts in Japanese theaters, solidifying his legendary career's perfect farewell
Discover the secrets of Hayao Miyazaki's final film, a masterpiece shrouded in mystery Unravel the plot and delve into the director's inspirations Get excited for the long-awaited release date and pre...