Enter the realm of the unknown with the upcoming fifth installment in the Alien franchise, Alien: Romulus. Discover the secrets behind the title and the fresh direction this movie is taking, promising...
Alien: Romulus is the next film in the beloved sci-fi series, with an intriguing timeline placement. This article explores the significance of Alien: Romulus being set between Alien and Aliens, and ho...
Disney's upcoming Alien movie, Romulus, is set to explore a new aspect of the Alien franchise. While there is excitement surrounding the film, there is also some trepidation as Disney's take on the Xe...
A look at how the upcoming Alien: Romulus movie, with its exclusive theatrical release date, has the potential to break a long-standing franchise record.
Alien: Romulus actress Cailee Spaeny unveils the enigmatic timeline of the highly anticipated sci-fi/horror film, shedding light on its place within the expansive Alien franchise Will Sigourney Weaver...