Annapurna Animation is adapting the popular video game Stray into a film, with the adaptation reportedly in "active development."
Robert Baird, co-leader of Annapurna Animation, recognizes the difficulty of capturing the enchantment of the game. However, he emphasizes the studio's dedication to handling the source material with utmost respect. Annapurna's past animated adaptation, Nimona, achieved remarkable success, indicating the studio's capability of crafting captivating films from revered source material. Given this track record, it is plausible for Stray to emerge as a truly unique and prosperous animated film.
The video game Stray, released in 2022 by Annapurna Interactive, will now be transformed into a film. Stray, a highly praised game, revolves around the journey of a stray cat who unknowingly finds itself in a secluded city teeming with machines, robots, and mutated bacteria. Seeking to escape and return to the surface, the cat is accompanied by its drone companion B-12. This game was honored with numerous awards, including recognition at The Game Awards, the Game Developers Choice Awards, and the Golden Joystick Awards.
According to EW, Annapurna Animation has included the film adaptation of Stray in its upcoming lineup. The Stray adaptation is actively being worked on, as confirmed by Robert Baird, co-leader of Annapurna Animation.
"This is a game that focuses on the essence of humanity, despite the absence of any human characters. It is a delightful tale of friendship between a cat and a robot, resulting in an incredibly amusing dynamic. While the comedy aspect is evident, it is fascinating to note that there isn't a single human being featured in this movie. This unique perspective, as seen through the eyes of an adorable cat, is one of the factors contributing to the game's immense popularity. Translating this experience into a film may seem challenging at times, but it is an integral part of capturing the essence of the game and effectively conveying its story."
The Stray Adaptation Comes At A Good Time for Annapurna
Baird's remarks on the Stray adaptation indicate a meticulous approach to this project. It is clear that Baird comprehends the comical interplay between the main cat and robot, as well as the unique perspective of an endearing feline. However, there is also a sense of trepidation in Baird's words, as they acknowledge the challenge of capturing the enchantment of the beloved video game. These hints suggest that the production team intends to treat the source material with the utmost reverence.
Annapurna Animation's latest project, The Stray movie, couldn't have come at a better time. Following the success of their previous animated film, Nimona, which received positive feedback and gained a sizable audience on Netflix, Annapurna Animation has proven their ability to create captivating adaptations from beloved source material.
With Stray, Annapurna Animation has another opportunity to showcase their talent. The film boasts an intriguing premise and the absence of human characters adds a unique twist, giving it the potential to become a highly original and fantastic animated feature. While decisions regarding the animation style and how closely it aligns with the original games have yet to be made, once Stray enters the next phase of development, it has all the makings of an exceptional addition to Annapurna's portfolio. Success for Stray could solidify Annapurna Animation's position as a powerhouse in the world of animated films.
Source: Entertainment Weekly