Black Mirror's Jaw-Dropping Twist in 'Arkangel' Unveiled: Prepare to be Blown Away!

Black Mirror's Jaw-Dropping Twist in 'Arkangel' Unveiled: Prepare to be Blown Away!

Discover the shocking conclusion of Black Mirror's Arkangel episode Experience the chilling climax that will leave you questioning the consequences of overprotective technology

"Arkangel," one of the most memorable and haunting episodes of Black Mirror, has garnered significant attention and discussion among fans. Released in December 2017, this season 4 episode was written by Charlie Brooker and directed by Jodie Foster. The gripping narrative follows Marie, a single parent portrayed by Rosemarie DeWitt, who becomes consumed by a surveillance system that allows her constant monitoring of her young daughter. The repercussions of this ill-conceived idea unfold in the chilling world of Black Mirror, resulting in an emotionally intense portrayal of the complex relationship between mother and daughter. "Arkangel" sends a powerful message about the potential dangers of excessive technology, solidifying its place as a widely-discussed and influential episode within the Black Mirror series.

What Happens In Black Mirror's "Arkangel"?

Black Mirror's Jaw-Dropping Twist in 'Arkangel' Unveiled: Prepare to be Blown Away!

In the unsettling episode "Arkangel" of the popular series Black Mirror, Marie, a single mother portrayed by Rosemarie DeWitt, grapples with her fear of potential harm befalling her three-year-old daughter, Sara. Introduced to a groundbreaking system known as Arkangel, Marie sees it as a viable solution to assuage her anxiety. This notion is further reinforced by the episode's intense portrayal of a dystopian world, reminiscent of the present but marked by amplified fear and heightened emotions. The strength of the episode lies in DeWitt's gripping performance as a concerned parent whose fretfulness consumes her. While numerous narratives have explored the anxieties of parents, Black Mirror's "Arkangel" delves even deeper into this theme. Despite Marie's conviction that she is acting in her daughter's best interest, her actions often provoke disagreement and appear irrational to viewers.

In the future, six years later, Sara, now older, mourns the passing of her father Russ. At school, another student tries to show her something violent and inappropriate, but the filter of Arkangel distorts her view. Marie becomes alarmed, and a psychologist advises her to ban Arkangel, urging her to get rid of it without delay.

Similar to the "Loch Henry" episode of Black Mirror, "Arkangel" portrays a distressing narrative where characters depend on technology rather than fostering human relationships. This reliance leads to numerous complications, and it is difficult to watch Marie continuously make misguided decisions.

When Sara (Brenna Harding) reaches the age of 15, her behavior takes a turn that Marie considers deeply troubling and potentially dangerous. She engages in drug use and becomes involved with Trick (Owen Teague). This pivotal moment in the "Arkangel" episode of Black Mirror delves into the core issue: no matter how diligently parents attempt to exert control over their children, they ultimately find it impossible, emphasizing the necessity of adopting a gentler and more compassionate approach.

What Happens At The End Of Black Mirror's "Arkangel"?

Black Mirror's Jaw-Dropping Twist in 'Arkangel' Unveiled: Prepare to be Blown Away!

At the conclusion of the "Arkangel" episode in Black Mirror, Marie discovers more about Trick and advises him to sever ties with Sara. Arkangel later reveals to Marie that Sara has become pregnant, prompting her to secretly administer emergency contraception to Sara through a smoothie. Similar to the "White Christmas" episode in Black Mirror, "Arkangel" showcases a protagonist who makes a devastating choice that completely shatters their life. Instead of succumbing to this dreadful decision, Marie should engage in a compassionate conversation with Sara.

The smoothie scene is not only problematic but also incorrect. Vice explains that the pill Marie gives Sara is similar to the morning after pill, which prevents pregnancy, and is not the same as the abortion pill.

In a poignant and unforgettable moment from a Black Mirror episode, Sara seizes the Arkangel tablet and injures Marie with it. Following this, Sara leaves her home, and the last image shows her hitchhiking with a stranger in a truck. The Arkangel tablet and surveillance system severely damage the relationship between this mother and daughter, and they can never regain the lost years. While technology often lacks coherence in sci-fi films and TV shows, "Arkangel" provides an explanation for how Marie can witness and eavesdrop on Sara's every move. It is truly distressing to contemplate the implications if this were to become a reality.

Fans have expressed opinions regarding the quality of recent Black Mirror episodes. Although not flawless, the episode "Arkangel" presents a compelling portrayal of a parent/child relationship dismantled by the parent's excessive dependence on technology. Undoubtedly, it is a challenging, haunting, emotional, and intellectually stimulating installment.