Beam aboard the revolutionary medical team of Strange New Worlds, even Star Trek couldn't compete!

Beam aboard the revolutionary medical team of Strange New Worlds, even Star Trek couldn't compete!

The unparalleled medical expertise of Doctor M'Benga and Nurse Chapel make them Strange New Worlds' ultimate medical dream team The mystery of why Bones McCoy replaces M'Benga as the Enterprise's doctor must be unraveled


Dr. M'Benga and Nurse Chapel form Star Trek's best medical team, with a deep respect and trust for each other, honed during the Klingon War.

Nurse Chapel surpasses conventional assistance by demonstrating extensive expertise and ingenuity in patient care.

In Strange New Worlds, there is an opportunity to shed light on the reasons behind Dr. McCoy taking over as Chief Medical Officer instead of Dr. M'Benga. This could involve exploring M'Benga's challenges with PTSD or delving into investigations into his actions.

The medical team on the USS Enterprise of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is unparalleled. Led by Dr. Jospeh M'Benga and Nurse Christine Chapel, this team exemplifies excellence. Captain Christopher Pike carefully selects his officers, resulting in a crew that works seamlessly together. Dr. M'Benga, the Chief Medical Officer, earns the utmost respect from Pike, and rightfully so. Despite a troubled past, M'Benga treats his patients with kindness, compassion, and remarkable skill.

While every Star Trek ship and space station boasts a medical team, none can compare to Pike's Enterprise. Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek: The Original Series lacks the same dynamic with Nurse Chapel as Dr. M'Benga does, and his bedside manner falls short. Other Star Trek doctors, such as Dr. Julian Bashir from Deep Space Nine or Dr. Phlox from Enterprise, don't even have prominent nurses by their side. Nurse Chapel, however, goes above and beyond mere support for Dr. M'Benga. Her extensive knowledge and expertise enable her to not only advocate for her patients, but also devise innovative and unconventional solutions.

Why Strange New Worlds’ Doctor M’Benga & Nurse Chapel Are Star Trek’s Best Medical Team

Beam aboard the revolutionary medical team of Strange New Worlds, even Star Trek couldn't compete!

Dr. M'Benga and Nurse Chapel stand out as an unparalleled medical team. Their excellence goes beyond their intelligence and competence as Starfleet officers; it is amplified by their shared experiences serving side by side during the demanding and distressing Klingon War. The intense circumstances they faced forged a profound respect and unwavering trust between them, impossible to replicate artificially. Their symbiotic relationship outshines all other medical teams in the Star Trek universe, as they wholeheartedly devote themselves to the well-being of their patients.

Towards the conclusion of season 2 of Strange New Worlds, Nurse Chapel seizes an opportunity to join a fellowship program under the leadership of her future fiancé, Dr. Roger Korby. However, her journey aboard the USS Cayuga takes a perilous turn when the Gorn launch a merciless attack, obliterating the ship. Despite this catastrophic event, Chapel survives and returns to the Enterprise, where she channels her medical expertise into saving the life of Captain Marie Batel, who has fallen victim to Gorn eggs. Accompanied by Dr. M'Benga, Nurse Chapel's laudable skills as a medical officer blend seamlessly with their remarkable partnership, creating a flawless team dynamic.

Strange New Worlds Must Reveal Why Bones McCoy Replaces M’Benga As Enterprise Doctor

Beam aboard the revolutionary medical team of Strange New Worlds, even Star Trek couldn't compete!

During the time of TOS, Dr. M'Benga remains a part of the USS Enterprise crew; however, he no longer holds the position of Chief Medical Officer. The presence of a highly skilled and well-liked doctor like Dr. M'Benga prompts the question of why Dr. McCoy takes on the role of CMO after Captain James T. Kirk assumes command of the Enterprise in Strange New Worlds. While Strange New Worlds has hinted at several potential explanations, none have been explicitly stated.

Dr. M'Benga grapples with memories from the Klingon War, often experiencing symptoms of PTSD. It is plausible that M'Benga may choose to step back from his medical responsibilities to focus on his mental well-being. Additionally, following the events of Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 8, "Under the Cloak of War," M'Benga may face an investigation regarding his involvement in the death of Klingon Ambassador Dak'Rah. This circumstance could also contribute to his decision to step down. Regardless of the reasons, Dr. M'Benga is likely to maintain a presence in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, even though his future as Chief Medical Doctor aboard the Enterprise remains uncertain.