Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

Discover expert tips to prevent exercise injuries and maximize your workout potential Whether you're hitting the gym, running, or cycling, learn how to avoid common mistakes and optimize your form, bike setup, training intensity, movement variety, and gradual routine progression

Before starting any new exercise program, it is important to consult with your doctor. If you experience any pain, stop immediately. It is frustrating that something so vital for good health and longevity, exercise, also has the potential to be harmful.

In 2022, the National Safety Council reported that approximately 3.6 million individuals sought treatment in emergency departments for a range of injuries related to sports and recreational equipment. The most prevalent were injuries stemming from exercise and exercise equipment, with 445,642 emergency department visits attributed to this category.

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

A beautiful senior Mexican Woman working out and stretching with weights

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What's more important as you age: stretching, balance work, or strength training? Whether you're a beginner or getting back into a fitness routine, experts emphasize the importance of being aware and cautious to prevent injuries.

According to Dr. Alex McDonald, a family and sports medicine physician and assistant professor at the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, one common mistake is doing too much, too soon. This often happens when people start a new exercise routine and overestimate what they can handle, leading to injury or giving up.

"According to Lisa Herrington, a certified personal trainer in Davis, California and co-founder of Fit House Davis, exercising should be viewed as a long-term commitment. She remarked, 'It's important to avoid an all-or-nothing mindset. Consistency, even in small amounts every day, yields significant results.'"

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

It's critical to use proper form in the gym when exercising on equipment such as an elliptical cross trainer.

PabloBenitezLope/iStockphoto/Getty Images

Be mindful of form

Using proper form when exercising is also critical, whether youre using a piece of gym equipment or engaging in activities such as running or cycling.

McDonald emphasized the importance of good form over speed, weight, or strength. Bad form can prevent the full benefit of a workout and may cause strain on muscles and ligaments not intended to be used. A common example of bad form is using handrails on treadmills and elliptical machines for support.

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

Violeta Meyners

Celebrity trainers emphasize the importance of not relying on handrails when feeling fatigued during a workout. They advise using the handrails to assist with the workout, not as a crutch for resting. Instead, they recommend slowing down or lowering the incline if needed.

Herrington often observes individuals putting too much pressure on bike handlebars in her spin classes, leading to discomfort in the neck and shoulders.

"When people are exhausted from sprints, they tend to lean heavily on the handlebars, transferring their entire body weight," she explained. "It would be better for them to take a brief seat and then resume sprinting."

To ensure proper form, McDonald and Herrington recommend seeking assistance from a professional such as a personal trainer or physical therapist. They are the experts and it can be difficult to assess your own form. Additionally, as you age, your body may change, so even if your form was great in the past, adjustments may be necessary for your current body.

Cycling: Proper bike setup

Cycling may seem like a straightforward exercise, but it can cause injuries, too. A frequent misstep when cycling is having an incorrect seat height.

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

Courtesy Dana Santas

Revamp Your Exercise Routine with Cycling: Adjusting Your Bike for Better Health

Improper bike seat height can lead to knee or lower back pain due to changes in your knee angle during each pedal rotation.

Ensure that your bike seat, or saddle, is aligned with your hip bone when standing next to it. When sitting on the bike and removing your feet from the pedals, only your toes should make contact with the floor.

Running: Dont overdo it

Runners are at risk of goofs such as overstriding, poor gait and overtraining.

Overstriding, a common error while running, occurs when your foot lands too far ahead of your hips or knees. This can increase the risk of stress- and joint-related issues. A 2021 study suggests that increasing your cadence, or the frequency of your steps, can reduce the impact of running and lower the risk of injuries. A higher step frequency also helps combat overstriding as it requires taking shorter steps.

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

Running stores and physical therapists can do an analysis of your gait to prevent repetitive injuries when you run.

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To determine if you have gait issues, examine the soles of your running shoes, suggested McDonald. Excessive wear on the heels or outer edges of your shoes may indicate that you are landing too forcefully and frequently in less than ideal areas.

"Many running stores offer video analysis of your running gait," he stated. "Physical therapists also provide this service. Making small adjustments to your gait can significantly help in preventing repetitive injuries."

Change up your exercise routine to prevent overtraining and avoid hitting a fitness plateau. Repeating the same movements can lead to fatigue and potential injury, so it's important to vary your workouts regularly.

"Herrington recommends experimenting with new gym equipment, participating in group exercise classes, and integrating strength training into cardio workouts."

In addition, focusing on building a strong core is important. "Core exercises target both the front and back of your body, enhance your posture, and enhance overall movement," she explained.

Sign up for CNNs Fitness, But Better newsletter series. Our seven-part guide will help you ease into a healthy routine, backed by experts.

Build your routine gradually

No matter what workout regimen you choose, it's important to prioritize starting slow and low. According to McDonald, the key to maintaining your health is to gradually increase the duration or intensity of your workouts by only 10% per week, and to never escalate both the intensity and duration at the same time.

Avoid These Exercise Mistakes to Prevent Injuries

Close up of unrecognizable young woman legs ready to run wearing sneakers and tropical leggings with palm trees

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The significant health benefits of walking backward

Then, enjoy.

Herrington emphasized the importance of regular exercise, stating that the goal is to maintain comfort and ease of movement for as long as possible. This can be achieved by doing exercises suitable for both the body and mind, varying the routine, seeking professional guidance when needed, and choosing exercises that bring joy. Melanie Radzicki McManus, a freelance writer, specializes in hiking, travel, and fitness.