Attack on Titan: The Walls Explored

Attack on Titan: The Walls Explored

Delve into the enigmatic Walls of Attack on Titan and uncover the hidden secrets within

The Enigmatic Walls

The colossal structures known as the Walls have stood as a formidable defense against the Titans for centuries, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Constructed by the 145th King of Eldia, Karl Fritz, these towering barriers encompassed the remnants of humanity within Paradis Island. The Walls, named Maria, Rose, and Sina, reached staggering heights of 50 meters, crafted from the bodies of millions of Colossal Titans. But what lies beneath the surface of these seemingly impregnable fortifications?

The Walls

The Walls

The Legacy of Karl Fritz

Karl Fritz's vision of sanctuary led to the creation of the Walls, a testament to his desire for peace amidst the chaos of the Eldian Empire. Utilizing the power of the Founding Titan, Fritz orchestrated the transformation of countless Colossal Titans into the foundational structure of the Walls. These massive guardians served as both shield and sword, warding off external threats and preserving the fragile peace within Paradis.

The motivation behind Karl Fritz's creation of the Walls was complex. While he intended to protect his people from the Titans, he also harbored a fear of the Eldians' own destructive potential. The Walls became a symbol of Fritz's desire for peace and isolation, as he believed that separating the Eldians from the rest of the world would prevent further conflict. However, as history would show, the Walls ultimately failed to protect the Eldians from the Titans and instead isolated and made them more vulnerable.

Unveiling the Three Walls

Named after Ymir Fritz's daughters, Maria, Rose, and Sina, the three concentric Walls delineated the boundaries of human territory within Paradis. Wall Maria, the outermost barrier, offered vast agricultural lands but also bore the brunt of Titan assaults. The breach of Wall Maria by the Colossal Titan in 845 marked a tragic turning point in Paradis' history, causing widespread death and destruction.

Wall Rose provided additional space for the Eldians and served as a refuge for survivors fleeing from Wall Maria. However, it too faced a breach in the year 850, this time by the Armored Titan. Despite the constant threat of attacks, Wall Rose remained a vital defense for the people of Paradis.

Wall Sina, the innermost Wall, enclosed the safest region near the monarchy. It remained intact throughout the series, never breached by the Titans. The districts within each Wall formed an intricate network, representing the delicate balance between safety and peril that defined life within the Walls.

The Secrets Within

Beneath the facade of stone and mortar, a chilling revelation awaited humanity. The Walls were not mere barriers but colossal constructs housing dormant Colossal Titans, a hidden arsenal of apocalyptic proportions. King Fritz's vow of peace masked the true purpose of these titanic sentinels, poised to unleash devastation upon any who dared threaten Paradis. The mysteries concealed within the Walls would ultimately shape the fate of all who dwelled within their shadow.

The Colossal Titans within the Walls were created by Karl Fritz using the power of the Founding Titan. Initially intended as a last line of defense against the Titans, they became a ticking time bomb, waiting to be awakened and unleashed. This secret posed a significant threat to the Eldians and had the potential to change the course of history.

The Wall Titan

The Wall Titan

The Rise and Fall of Wall Maria

As the sun set on the era of the Walls, the fall of Wall Maria marked a pivotal moment in the history of Paradis. In the heart-wrenching tragedy that befell Shiganshina District, the Colossal Titan breached the defenses, unleashing chaos and despair upon the unsuspecting populace. The catastrophic breach of Wall Maria not only shattered the physical barrier but also fractured the fragile peace that had endured for generations.

The Colossal Titan appears to breach the Wall

The Colossal Titan appears to breach the Wall

Tragedy in Shiganshina

The relentless onslaught of Titans within Shiganshina District painted a grim picture of humanity's vulnerability in the face of the Titan menace. The loss of lives and the destruction that followed left survivors traumatized and forced to seek refuge within Wall Rose. The fabric of society strained under the weight of loss and displacement, signaling the beginning of a new era of struggle for the Eldians.

The Return to Shiganshina

Driven by the indomitable spirit of the Scout Regiment, the expedition to reclaim Wall Maria became a defining moment in the annals of Paradis. The fierce battle to seal the breach and eradicate the lingering Titan threat tested the resolve of every soldier. The reclaiming of Wall Maria symbolized a triumph of courage over adversity, a testament to the unwavering determination of humanity to reclaim what was lost.

The Scout Regiment's return to Shiganshina was a significant victory for the Eldians. It gave them hope that they could overcome the Titans and regain their freedom. The battle to seal the breach and reclaim Wall Maria showcased the bravery and resilience of the Scouts, inspiring the people of Paradis to continue fighting for their survival.

The Walls' Downfall

The cataclysmic events that unfolded with the Rumbling marked the end of an era and the dawn of a new age for Paradis. Eren's fateful decision to unleash the dormant Colossal Titans shattered the Walls, unleashing a wave of destruction that reverberated across the world. The once impenetrable fortifications crumbled, revealing the true power that lay dormant within, forever altering the course of history.

The Rumbling

The Rumbling

The Rumbling, orchestrated by Eren Yeager, brought about the downfall of the Walls. It was a devastating act that resulted in widespread death and destruction. The power of the dormant Colossal Titans, once harnessed by Karl Fritz to protect Paradis, was now unleashed to protect the Eldians from the threat of the outside world. The Walls, which had stood for centuries, were reduced to rubble, forever changing the landscape of Paradis and paving the way for a new era.


As the dust settled and the echoes of the Rumbling faded, Paradis stood at a crossroads, poised to redefine its place in a world forever changed by the revelation of the Walls' secrets. The legacy of the Walls, a testament to humanity's resilience and ingenuity, would endure as a reminder of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom and peace. The rise and fall of Wall Maria showcased the indomitable spirit of the Eldians and their unwavering determination to overcome the Titan threat. The destruction of the Walls marked the end of an era, but it also opened the door to a new chapter in Paradis' history, where the Eldians would have to forge their own path and face the challenges that awaited them.