Assassin's Creed Mirage Set to Receive New Game Plus Update in December

Assassin's Creed Mirage Set to Receive New Game Plus Update in December

Assassin's Creed Mirage introduces an exciting New Game Plus feature in December, offering players the chance to replay with enhanced challenges Additionally, a thrilling permadeath option adds a gripping element to the gameplay

Assassin's Creed Mirage will be receiving a free update from Ubisoft in December. This update will introduce a New Game Plus mode and an optional permadeath mode. Ubisoft took to Twitter to confirm the news, stating that they have heard the feedback from players and are excited to provide these new features. The New Game Plus mode will allow players to replay the game with their upgraded abilities and equipment, while the permadeath mode will add a thrilling challenge for expert players, with the option to enable it across all difficulty settings. Ubisoft promises to share more details about these exciting additions soon.

Assassin's Creed Mirage, released in October, emerged as Ubisoft's top-selling game during the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S generation's launch. Despite the absence of any future DLC plans announced by Ubisoft, it is worth noting that many studios have previously made similar claims only to later reverse their decision. One such example is Square Enix, who initially denied the existence of any planned DLC for Final Fantasy XVI but eventually disclosed that two expansions are in development.

In our review of Assassin's Creed Mirage on our website, we noted that while Mirage brings the series back to its roots by emphasizing social stealth and an engaging exploration of a city's history, it falls short of matching the exceptional quality of its earlier predecessors due to underdeveloped characters.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am thrilled about the upcoming New Game Plus update for Assassin's Creed Mirage. The promise of replaying the game with enhanced challenges and my upgraded abilities and equipment is incredibly exciting. This update will add significant longevity to the game and provide an opportunity to experience the story and challenges in a new way. I am also intrigued by the optional permadeath mode, which will add an extra layer of intensity and risk to the gameplay.

Overall, I believe these additions will enhance the overall experience of Assassin's Creed Mirage and keep players engaged for an extended period. Ubisoft's commitment to listening to player feedback and providing substantial updates is commendable, and I look forward to diving back into the world of Mirage with these new features.