Artist merges with AI to craft interactive exhibit showcasing real-time human emotions

Artist merges with AI to craft interactive exhibit showcasing real-time human emotions

Experience the captivating fusion of human emotions and cutting-edge technology in the mesmerizing installation 'Emotion Nexus' by visionary artist Krista Kim, currently exhibited at the prestigious Art Dubai fair.

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Imagine a large canvas where vibrant colored lines pulse and weave. But this canvas is not made of cloth, it is a screen. And the lines are not brushstrokes, but real-time human heartbeats, captured through artificial intelligence (AI).

The latest work by Canadian Korean contemporary artist Krista Kim is called "Heart Space." This installation merges art, technology, and science by showcasing a total of 3,526 individual heartbeats in the piece.

Krista Kim, who serves as the metaverse editor for Vogue Singapore, is also known for creating the record-setting "Mars House." This fully virtual home was sold for over $500,000 during the NFT craze in 2021.

As part of its global artist program, Swiss banking group Julius Baer commissioned the artwork "Heart Space." The piece was showcased at the recent Art Dubai fair. CNN caught up with Kim at the event to discuss the project and her thoughts on the future of AI and art.

Please note that this interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

CNN: Let's talk about "Heart Space."

Krista Kim: "Heart Space" is the world's first collaborative biometric AI generative art installation. Using AI technology, we analyze your EKG (electrocardiogram) to create a unique algorithm based on your individual heartbeat, similar to a thumbprint. This algorithm is then used to generate unique waveforms and colors. On the screen, four people at a time can interact and co-create a stunning immersive artwork using their heartbeats. This groundbreaking installation is a historic first, and we are incredibly proud of it.

A still image of Krista Kim's art installation,

A still image of Krista Kim's art installation, "Heart Space," on display during Art Dubai 2024.

A still image of Krista Kim's art installation, "Heart Space," on display during Art Dubai 2024.

Copyright Krista Kim, courtesy Julius Baer

CNN: This is all related to the ever-evolving revolution of AI and tech. How do you see it accelerating in the art world as well?

Krista Kim believes that artificial intelligence (AI) will soon play a major role in transforming all aspects of our lives, including art. With the imminent development of automatic general intelligence within the next three years, art will be directly impacted by AI. Despite some resistance to this new technology, many artists are grappling with questions such as whether traditional art created by hand is superior to art generated by AI. Concerns about authorship and intellectual property rights also arise in this evolving landscape.

Artist Refik Anadol launched the immersive installation

Artist Refik Anadol launched the immersive installation "Glacier Dreams" at Art Dubai 2023 in March.

Artist Refik Anadol launched the immersive installation "Glacier Dreams" at Art Dubai 2023 in March.

Cedric Ribeiro/Getty Images Europe/Getty Images for Art Dubai

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These questions are really important. AI is a new technology that will change the future. In a hundred years, we will see art differently because of AI. As artists, it's our job to interact with this new technology. We can humanize it, ask important questions, and think about how it affects us.

These questions are important for artists. It's all a process, a conversation. We're just starting out, so we don't have all the answers yet. We're learning more every day, taking the first steps in this new technology.

CNN: As a well-known international artist, what do you think about the modern art coming from this region and the impact of AI?

Krista Kim: In my opinion, art is on the brink of amazing transformations with the rise of AI. "Heart Space" marks just the start of this journey. The use of biometrics and communication, including interspecies communication, opens up endless possibilities. Specifically, it has the potential to unite people and foster a sense of unity, leading to a completely new way of thinking.

Our connection with technology should focus on enhancing our relationships with each other, striving for more humanity. As artists, we should work towards building momentum in this direction.

Editor's P/S:

The convergence of art, technology, and science in "Heart Space" is a testament to the transformative power of AI in the art world. Krista Kim's innovative installation showcases the unique potential of AI to capture and express human emotions through real-time heartbeats. The collaboration between individuals through their heartbeats fosters a sense of unity and invites contemplation on the evolving relationship between humanity and technology.

Kim's perspective on the future of AI in art highlights the need for artists to engage with this emerging technology. By embracing AI and exploring its possibilities, artists can push the boundaries of creativity, challenge traditional notions of art, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the human experience in the digital age. The questions raised about authorship and intellectual property rights also underscore the importance of ethical considerations and ongoing dialogue as AI continues to shape the art landscape. technology.