Archer: Into the Cold - Lana's Leadership at Risk in the Series Finale

Archer: Into the Cold - Lana's Leadership at Risk in the Series Finale

A look at the series finale of Archer, with Lana's leadership at risk and the challenges faced by the characters as they race against time and the government to save the world.

The Future of Archer and Criminal Minds

In anticipation of the series finale, Aisha Tyler shared her optimism for the future of Archer, expressing the cast's interest in revisiting the timeless characters in potential revivals or feature-length specials. She highlighted the show's unique appeal and dedicated fan base, indicating the possibility of future engagements with the beloved characters.

Cyril and Archer in Archer season 14 finale

Cyril and Archer in Archer season 14 finale

Tyler also provided insights into the upcoming season of Criminal Minds Evolution, discussing the evolving storylines and character dynamics. With season 17 on the horizon, she teased the continuation of compelling narratives and deeper exploration of the characters' journeys, building anticipation for the next chapter of the acclaimed series.

The Agency Group in Archer season 14 finale

The Agency Group in Archer season 14 finale