Analysis: GOP Strategy Beyond Age in Challenging Biden

Analysis: GOP Strategy Beyond Age in Challenging Biden

As demonstrated in the Robert Hur hearing, the GOP's approach to criticizing President Biden goes beyond age concerns. Patrick T. Brown highlights why focusing solely on age won't be sufficient for Republicans aiming to regain the White House.

Patrick T. Brown, a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC and former senior policy adviser to Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, shares his own views in this piece. You can read more at CNN Opinion.

President Joe Biden addressed concerns about his age in a recent State of the Union speech. His strong delivery and humor about his age helped dispel doubts pushed by some on the right that the 81-year-old couldn't handle a prime-time speech.

Patrick T. Brown

Patrick T. Brown

Patrick T. Brown

Former special counsel Robert Hur's appearance before Congress on Tuesday regarding his investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents provided Republicans with a fresh chance to probe into the president's memory and express worries about his capability to continue in the toughest job in the world for another four years.

Republicans cannot rely on Hur's testimony to help them politically. The hearing did not provide any new information beyond the initial report. As the GOP prepares for Election Day, they need to determine how they can use the age issue to argue against giving Biden another four years.

Hur's report last month already caused damage to Biden. Despite finding that Biden knowingly kept classified information, he was not charged. Hur described the president as an elderly man with good intentions but a poor memory.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 7: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers the annual State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress in the House chamber at the Capital building on March 7, 2024 in Washington, DC. This is Biden's final address before the November general election.  (Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 7: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers the annual State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress in the House chamber at the Capital building on March 7, 2024 in Washington, DC. This is Biden's final address before the November general election. (Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)

On March 7, 2024, in Washington, DC, U.S. President Joe Biden gave his annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress in the House chamber at the Capital building. This speech marked Biden's final address before the November general election.

Shawn Thew/Pool/Getty Images

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The Republicans did not gain any additional leverage from his testimony on Tuesday in front of the GOP-controlled House Judiciary Committee. Despite facing eyebrow-raising insinuations from Rep. Hank Johnson, a Georgia Democrat, that Hur produced a partisan report to secure a future appointment to a GOP-led judicial branch, the former special counsel maintained a professional demeanor.

Hur, a former US attorney, consistently referred back to the text of the report instead of offering his own opinions or guesses. He also made it clear that he did not want to participate in GOP efforts to label the president as "senile." This indicates that Republicans need to come up with more effective strategies as they try to win back the White House.

During the hearing, even though Hur didn't provide much beyond the report, it gave Republicans a chance to focus on the president's mistakes during a February press conference that followed the release of Hur's report. At the conference, the president confused the leaders of Mexico and Egypt. The hearing also coincided with the release of the transcript of Biden's interview, which showcased moments where he struggled to recall simple things like the word for a fax machine, the years he served as vice president, and how his aides handled sensitive documents.

Former President Donald Trump attends a watch party event to mark the Super Tuesday primary elections at his Mar-a-Lago property, in Palm Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, March 5.

Former President Donald Trump attends a watch party event to mark the Super Tuesday primary elections at his Mar-a-Lago property, in Palm Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, March 5.

Former President Donald Trump attends a watch party event to mark the Super Tuesday primary elections at his Mar-a-Lago property, in Palm Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, March 5.

Marco Bello/Reuters

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Biden has been trying to address concerns about his age, often making light-hearted jokes about his own limitations and highlighting the differences between himself and Trump. Democrats have been quick to point out the contrast in behavior between the current president and his predecessor. The transcript also revealed more information that shed light on the initial report by Hur. For instance, Biden only needed a quick reminder about the year his son passed away, which complicated the way the story was first told.

Biden's campaign officials were pleased with Hur's testimony on Tuesday, as much of the questioning highlighted the contrast between Biden's handling of classified material and Trump's. The campaign is confident that Biden's popularity will increase as he receives more public attention.

In order for Republicans to fully take advantage of the image of the president portrayed during Tuesday's hearing, they must find ways to emphasize Biden's age and use it to criticize his competency on a deeper level.

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For instance, the GOP can highlight Biden's plan to allocate $2.2 trillion for social programs in 2021, despite the current inflation. Additionally, they can emphasize his decision to overlook advice from military experts during the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal. This could be a central theme in any campaign advertisement, portraying Biden as a president who aimed to emulate Franklin D. Roosevelt but misjudged the situation, allowing global events to overshadow his leadership in America.

Hur's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday did not bring any surprises. His serious portrayal of a president who struggles to remember specific names and dates will continue to be a valuable tool for Republicans seeking a political advantage. Biden's age remains his greatest political weakness and a significant factor in the election.

However, the Trump campaign needs to focus on highlighting the policy failures of the Biden administration and presenting proactive policy suggestions. If they fail to do so, they may find themselves questioning why the race against a president they portray as senile is closer than expected. It's important to remember that many voters want to see a case made against the incumbent's actions, not just his demeanor.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the ongoing debate about President Biden's age and its implications for his ability to serve a second term. While his recent State of the Union address eased some concerns, the hearing on his handling of classified documents has reignited discussions about his memory and competency. Republicans are eager to capitalize on this issue, but the article warns that they need to move beyond insinuations and provide concrete evidence of Biden's inability to fulfill his duties.

The article also emphasizes the importance of policy failures and proactive policy suggestions in the upcoming election. Simply attacking Biden's age may not be enough to sway voters, who are also concerned about the administration's performance. Republicans need to present a clear alternative and demonstrate how their policies would better address the country's challenges. By focusing on substance rather than solely on personal attacks, they can increase their chances of success in the 2024 election.