An Unexpected Alliance: City Primeval Season 2 Unites with Quentin Tarantino's Hidden Gem

An Unexpected Alliance: City Primeval Season 2 Unites with Quentin Tarantino's Hidden Gem

Exploring the dynamic world of Justified: City Primeval Season 2, this article delves into the potential inclusion of Michael Keaton's Ray Nicolette and the broader connections to the Elmore Leonard Universe Discover the likelihood of the highly anticipated second season

Article Overview

Justified: City Primeval season 2 has the opportunity to connect to Quentin Tarantino's films and a wider universe of Elmore Leonard adaptations.

Paul Calderón's character introduction in Justified connects the show to Tarantino's Jackie Brown, facilitating the potential appearance of Michael Keaton's Ray Nicolette in season 2.

With both Timothy Olyphant and the showrunners expressing a desire for further seasons, it would be fitting for the series to showcase a final showdown between Raylan and Boyd, especially considering Boyd's escape from prison.

Justified: City Primeval season 2 has the potential to connect not only to one of Quentin Tarantino's most underrated movies but also to the larger universe of Elmore Leonard adaptations. Leonard's works have been adapted into various movies and shows, some of which were exceptional (such as Get Shorty and 3:10 to Yuma) while others were not worth watching (like Owen Wilson's appropriately titled The Big Bounce). Justified can be considered one of the most popular Leonard adaptations, with the original series following the taciturn and hat-wearing U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, brilliantly portrayed by Timothy Olyphant.

The show beautifully captured Leonard's talent for creating captivating characters and writing clever dialogue, resulting in a successful six-season run. Olyphant returned to don the iconic hat once again for the 2023 revival Justified: City Primeval, which adapted Leonard's celebrated crime novel. However, instead of the original protagonist Detective Cruz, the show switched the focus to Raylan, with Paul Calderón reprising his role as Cruz from Out of Sight. While City Primeval season 2 has yet to receive official approval, it possesses a unique opportunity to establish a connection with one of Tarantino's finest works.

Justified: City Primeval Season 2 Should Include Michael Keaton's Ray Nicolette

An Unexpected Alliance: City Primeval Season 2 Unites with Quentin Tarantino's Hidden Gem

City Primeval's season 1 finale witnessed the unexpected comeback of Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins), who successfully evades capture after spending a decade incarcerated. The closing scene presents Raylan with a choice: either to embrace retirement or to embark on the pursuit of Boyd. Given the circumstances, it is highly likely that he will opt for the latter. Furthermore, the introduction of Calderón's Cruz character establishes a connection between Justified and Quentin Tarantino's iconic film, Jackie Brown, as Michael Keaton portrays Ray Nicolette in both productions.

Ray plays a vital role in Jackie Brown and also appears briefly and without credit in Out of Sight as Karen Sisco's new boyfriend. The latter film reveals that Ray has moved from the ATF to the FBI, presumably as a result of the events in Jackie Brown. If he is still active, it is possible that Ray Nicolette could be included in the story of Justified: City Primeval season 2, particularly if the FBI becomes involved in the hunt for Boyd. Since Tarantino was involved in the previous season and is known to have considered directing some episodes, he could be instrumental in securing Keaton's potential participation as well.

Justified Connects To A Wider Elmore Leonard Universe

Including Keaton's Nicolette in the show would add to Justified's connection to other Leonard adaptations. While a crossover with characters like Raylan, George Clooney's Jack Foley, or Pam Grier's Jackie Brown isn't necessary, the next series can still have some fun with the shared universe in an organic way.

In addition to the mentioned adaptations, the show has previously crossed over with another Leonard series. Karen Sisco, which featured Carla Gugino in a role previously played by Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight, had a short-lived spinoff that lasted for ten episodes. Gugino later appeared as the same character, renamed "Karen Goodall," in the "Cut Ties" episode of Justified season 3. This was due to FX not owning the rights to the original character's name.

Robert Forster, known for his role in Jackie Brown, portrayed Carla Gugino's character Karen Sisco's father in the show. In one episode, Karen disclosed to Raylan that she had married and divorced since their previous encounter. Despite positive feedback, the character did not make any further appearances. Perhaps in the upcoming season of City Primeval, or whatever its subtitle may be, we will finally get to know what Karen has been up to in the past years.

How Likely Is Justified: City Primeval Season 2?

An Unexpected Alliance: City Primeval Season 2 Unites with Quentin Tarantino's Hidden Gem

The question remains whether a second miniseries will occur. City Primeval disappointed some viewers due to its lack of connection to the original show, with only Olyphant's Raylan returning. However, it still received mostly positive reviews and was a ratings success. Given Boyd's escape, it would be unjust for the series to not conclude that storyline.

Both Olyphant and the showrunners for Justified: City Primeval expressed their willingness to return for more. The show is unlikely to continue indefinitely, and the next season may focus on the final confrontation between Raylan and Boyd, with the latter unlikely to survive. Since the series has evolved to emphasize the complex, quasi-friendship between the two men, it would be fitting if it concluded with one or both of their deaths.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am excited about the potential for Justified: City Primeval season 2 to connect to Quentin Tarantino's films and the broader Elmore Leonard Universe. I think it would be really cool to see Michael Keaton's Ray Nicolette appear in the show, and I think it would be even cooler if there was a crossover with characters from other Leonard adaptations, like Jackie Brown or Get Shorty.

I think it's great that Justified is expanding its universe and connecting with other works in the Elmore Leonard Universe. It shows that the show is willing to take risks and try new things, which is something I really appreciate. I'm excited to see what the future holds for Justified and the Elmore Leonard Universe, and I can't wait to see what happens next.