Alien Hominid Returns: Prepare for an Epic Comeback!

Alien Hominid Returns: Prepare for an Epic Comeback!

Alien Hominid, the iconic side-scroller from the early 2000s, is set to make a thrilling comeback! The beloved game is getting a highly anticipated remake by The Behemoth, aimed at reintroducing it to a new generation of players Get ready to dive into the nostalgic charm of this classic title!


Alien Hominid HD is an upcoming remake of the cult classic side-scrolling indie game that first gained popularity on Newgrounds in 2002.

The game offers dynamic gameplay with a high level of difficulty, often drawing comparisons to Metal Slug. The HD remake will feature both solo and 2-player local co-op modes, along with additional challenges and excitement through new Steam achievements and weekly and monthly leaderboards.

Alien Hominid HD is a remake of the beloved indie flash game released on Newgrounds in 2002. With its fluid animations and comical style, the original quickly became a cult classic and made its way onto consoles like PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube.

Compared to challenging side-scrolling shooters like Metal Slug, Alien Hominid offered fast-paced gameplay and a punishing difficulty that put gamers' reflexes to the test. Players controlled a funny-looking yellow alien with a blaster, navigating a charming hand-drawn 2D world and engaging in intense combat against waves of enemies. The game received positive reviews, expanding its fanbase and establishing The Behemoth as a reputable game developer. This success led to the creation of other popular titles like Castle Crashers and Pit People, each showcasing the same inventive style as Alien Hominid.

The Behemoth has recently unveiled an exhilarating YouTube trailer showcasing the action-packed remake of Alien Hominid HD. In this thrilling video, the iconic yellow alien bursts onto the screen, ready to take on the menacing secret agents of Area 51. The trailer highlights various levels of the game, accompanied by an upbeat and playful theme music. Alien Hominid HD is set to make its debut later this year on PC (via Steam) and select modern consoles.

Notably, Alien Hominid HD will offer an immersive gaming experience with both solo and 2-player local co-op modes. To cater to a diverse audience, the game will feature three different levels of difficulty. Additionally, players can look forward to the return of Alien Hominid's original mini-games, adding an exciting twist to the gameplay. Furthermore, the game will introduce brand-new Steam achievements, complete with weekly and monthly leaderboards for each difficulty level. These features aim to inspire players, adding an extra layer of challenge and thrill.

Scheduled for release in 2023 on PC, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, Alien Hominid HD presents an exciting co-launch opportunity alongside Alien Hominid Invasion, both set in the same universe. This HD release not only promises a delightful trip down memory lane for long-time fans, but also has the potential to captivate a new generation of players seeking its unique charm and challenging gameplay. While the anticipation among loyal fans is palpable, it remains to be seen if this game will garner the same level of popularity among first-time players.