Alan Wake 2: Mastering Nightingale's Defeat

Alan Wake 2: Mastering Nightingale's Defeat

Defeat FBI Agent Robert Nightingale, the first boss in Alan Wake 2, with our expert tips Conquer Nightingale's initial stage and overcome his final stages to emerge victorious

Alan Wake 2 dives deeper into the horror elements of the series, introducing players to terrifying and formidable new adversaries as they navigate the treacherous terrain of Bright Falls and Cauldron Lake. Among these formidable foes, former FBI Agent Robert Nightingale poses as one of the initial bosses players must confront.

Towards the conclusion of the second chapter in Alan Wake 2, players will find themselves facing off against Nightingale, who they have been pursuing into the Overlap. Nightingale poses a threat in three escalating stages of aggression. While he doesn't possess an overwhelming amount of health, his ability to inflict devastating damage rapidly makes it crucial for players to prepare themselves before entering his realm.

How to Beat Nightingale in Alan Wake 2

Tips for Nightingale's First Stage

Alan Wake 2: Mastering Nightingale's Defeat

Before engaging in the battle, it is advisable for players to thoroughly examine the surroundings near the combat zone. After the initial phase is accomplished, players will be granted a short window of opportunity to locate and collect any crates present in the vicinity. Utilize the flashlight to breach Nightingale's defense and expose his Source, which serves as the game's equivalent of critical hit areas. It is crucial to concentrate firepower on the Source in order to inflict maximum damage.

After Nightingale's initial phase is over, triggered by a sudden jump scare flash on the screen, players are advised to quickly make their way towards any nearby crates, collect the loot, and proceed towards one of the available pathways to escape the storm that Nightingale is conjuring. While rushing through the path, it is important to grab as many supply crates as possible, using rocks as a means to evade Nightingale's attacks. Due to the presence of tall grass, it may be difficult to spot the crates on the ground, so it is crucial to remain vigilant in order to maximize loot acquisition and increase the chances of emerging victorious in the final stages.

Tips for Nightingale's Final Stages

Alan Wake 2: Mastering Nightingale's Defeat

Nightingale's second stage will imitate his initial stage, but with a more aggressive approach. Utilize the same strategies from the first stage, using the flashlight to weaken Nightingale and directing firepower towards his Source. Remember to sidestep his overhead attacks and retreat when he charges up a kick or grabs.

Following the second stage, players will encounter another sudden fright flash on the screen. Nightingale will then conjure another storm. Navigate through the pathways towards the ultimate battleground and concentrate light and firepower to defeat him. With accurate aim, Nightingale should be defeated with approximately 30 shots from Saga's pistol.

Alan Wake 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.