Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

What if Ahsoka joined Darth Maul in The Clone Wars? Delve into an alternative Star Wars timeline where secrets are revealed, alliances break, and the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance


Ahsoka could have joined forces with Maul if he revealed more about Sidious, leading to a different timeline for both of them.

Forming a short-term partnership with Maul would have brought Ahsoka perilously close to succumbing to the allure of the dark side, however, their conflicting objectives would inevitably lead to their confrontation.

In the absence of Ahsoka's intervention, the resurgence of Thrawn would have swiftly occurred, consequently allowing his Empire to seize control of the galaxy prior to the emergence of the First Order.

Ahsoka had the opportunity to form an alliance with Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. While she ultimately declined his offer, the outcome of the Star Wars saga would have been drastically different if she had accepted. In season 7, episode 10 of The Clone Wars titled "Phantom Apprentice," Maul proposed that Ahsoka join forces with him to eliminate Darth Sidious, a proposition she seriously considered. However, when Maul exposed his intention to kill Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka engaged him in a lightsaber duel, leading them to part ways for several years.

Although Ahsoka hesitated, there existed a means for Maul to convince her to unite against Sidious. If she had chosen to collaborate with him, their destinies immediately following the Clone Wars would have undergone a transformation, setting off a series of events that would reshape the Star Wars timeline. From the emergence of Crimson Dawn to the resurgence of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a partnership between Ahsoka and Maul would have resulted in a markedly distinct narrative for both characters.

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Maul Could Have Convinced Ahsoka To Join Him By Revealing More Secrets

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Maul's offer of joining forces with Ahsoka fell through as he failed to provide substantial evidence regarding Sidious. Ahsoka found it difficult to fathom the notion of Sidious grooming Anakin as his next apprentice without Maul's revelation of Palpatine's true identity as the Sith Lord. With this crucial information, Ahsoka would have entertained the possibility and understood Maul's concerns about Anakin's fate. Moreover, aligning with Maul would prevent Ahsoka from seeking assistance from the compromised Jedi Council or the Republic Senate, both entangled in the initial stages of the Clone Wars. Ahsoka saw an opportunity in joining Maul, leveraging his knowledge and resources to her advantage.

Ahsoka Would Agree To Work With Maul - Until Sidious Was Defeated

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Ahsoka made a commitment to herself, ensuring her alliance with Maul would be temporary until they discovered a way to overcome Sidious. Initially, she had reservations about embracing the ways of the Sith. Nonetheless, in Star Wars Rebels, she stated that comprehending one's adversary was crucial for victory. Through the Ahsoka series, she demonstrated employing techniques that the Jedi would never contemplate, indicating her eagerness to absorb all Maul had to offer in her quest for preparation. However, Maul's intentions, like any Sith, were more malevolent, gradually tempting Ahsoka towards the dark side, hoping she would eventually align with his malefic schemes.

Maul And Ahsoka's Different Goals And Methods Would Lead To A Falling Out

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Recognizing Maul's unrestrainable cruelty and Crimson Dawn's relentless spread of it throughout the galaxy, Ahsoka understood that allowing him to defeat Sidious would only grant him greater power and inflict immeasurable suffering. Instead of joining Maul in his confrontation with Sidious, she chose to oppose him, leading to the long-awaited lightsaber duel on Mandalore. Ultimately, Ahsoka managed to escape aboard a shuttle, possibly accompanied by defectors from Crimson Dawn, while Maul proved insufficiently formidable to confront Sidious and Vader singlehandedly.

Ahsoka's Time As A Criminal Would Stop The Rebellion From Trusting Her

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Just as Leia Organa had doubts about Qi'ra when she took charge of Crimson Dawn, Bail Organa and the other rebel leaders would lose faith in Ahsoka after her alliance with Maul. Another person would assume the role of the rebel informant Fulcrum, which would result in Ahsoka never crossing paths with Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, or Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels season 1. Instead, she would persist in her own method of resistance against the Empire, traversing the galaxy and providing aid wherever possible, as portrayed in Ahsoka.

Maul And Ahsoka Would Both Meet Ezra For The First Time On Malachor

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

However, Ahsoka would closely monitor Maul's activities and their paths would once again intersect at the ancient Sith Temple on Malachor. This encounter would mark Ahsoka's initial introduction to Ezra and his master, Kanan Jarrus, prompting her to vie with Maul in order to gain their trust. Manipulating Ezra's desperation to acquire the Sith Holocron, Maul would compel Ahsoka to face him in combat, ultimately resulting in her losing Ezra's faith indefinitely. Mistakenly believing that Ahsoka coveted the Holocron solely for her own benefit and was merely pretending to serve the light, Ezra would remain unconvinced by Kanan, who was too consumed by dealing with Maul's machinations.

Ahsoka Would Still Face Darth Vader - But This Time Ezra Wouldn't Save Her

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Vader arrived at Malachor with the intention of claiming the Sith Temple for the Emperor. Inside the temple, he engaged in a intense lightsaber duel with his former apprentice. The confrontation unfolded similarly to the events depicted in canon, with Ahsoka and Vader becoming trapped in the temple as they fought their final battle. However, since Ezra had not established a connection with Ahsoka, he was not led to her within the World Between Worlds, nor did he have any incentive to save her if he had. In a swift and decisive strike, Vader ultimately defeated Ahsoka just before he plummeted through the collapsing floor. Despite his injuries, he managed to make his way back to his ship, fully aware that the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker had met her demise.

Without Ahsoka Hunting Thrawn, His Return Would Be Swift (And Not Include Ezra)

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

If Ahsoka hadn't made the promise to Ezra, her quest to locate Thrawn wouldn't have started. Consequently, she couldn't have disrupted Morgan Elsbeth's plans of reviving Thrawn nor alerted the New Republic about the possibility of his return, granting the Imperial Remnant a tactical advantage. Sabine would have stayed in the current galaxy instead of embarking on a mission to find Ezra, meaning he would have remained trapped on Peridea when Thrawn resurfaced to wage war against the New Republic. Thrawn would have been backed by an army of Nightsisters, devoted stormtroopers, and an Imperial Shadow Council, conspiring covertly, while the rest of the galaxy would remain oblivious to the impending threat.

Thrawn's Empire Would Have Taken Over The Galaxy Long Before The First Order

Ahsoka's Unthinkable Choice: Joining Darth Maul and Shaping a Sinister Star Wars Saga

Although the release of Ahsoka season 2 and The Mandalorian movie is pending, it is highly likely that Thrawn's quest for galactic domination will be thwarted. However, in an alternate timeline where Ahsoka failed to warn the New Republic, Thrawn's initial attack would have been significantly more devastating. This would have resulted in his Empire gaining control of the galaxy long before the emergence of the First Order. Eventually, Thrawn would have been defeated, but the threat of the Imperial forces would have been taken more seriously by the galaxy. This alternate scenario raises intriguing possibilities of how the Star Wars saga could have unfolded had Ahsoka joined forces with Maul.