Addressing the Customer Shortage in Cities: Skylines 2

Addressing the Customer Shortage in Cities: Skylines 2

Discover the solution to the frustrating 'Not Enough Customers' error in Cities: Skylines 2 Uncover the ultimate fix to ensure a thriving city and maximize your gameplay experience

Cities: Skylines 2: What is Not Enough Customers?

Resolving the Not Enough Customers Issue in Cities: Skylines 2

Addressing the Customer Shortage in Cities: Skylines 2

Before moving on to solving the problem of the lack of customers, it is first necessary to understand why it occurs.

How to Fix Not Enough Customers Issue

The poor location of commercial areas in Cities: Skylines 2 can result in a lack of customers. If these areas are situated too far from residential areas or are difficult for residents to access, they may experience a shortage of customers. Another factor contributing to this issue is an excessive number of commercial zones. It is important to consider the demand among residents when constructing these zones and not to build an excessive amount of commercial areas. If commercial zones lack customers, they will remain idle, which can negatively impact the city's budget.

Addressing the Customer Shortage in Cities: Skylines 2


To resolve the issue of a lack of customers in the city, one possible solution is to develop a residential area in close proximity to a small commercial area. In order to maximize profits, it is advisable to have fewer commercial zones compared to the number of potential customers. By adopting this approach, there will be a larger customer base available. This strategic placement of zones will enhance the efficiency of the commercial areas and facilitate convenient accessibility for the residents.

Arrange commercial areas appropriately using the Info Views Tab to access all the city's statistics. Prioritize commercial suitability and customer statistics when designating zones. Green markers highlight the best locations for commercial zones, while orange and red markers indicate less desirable areas. Remember that commercial zones with varying densities have varying commercial suitability, so it is essential to test them all.

Enhance accessibility to commercial zones. Accessibility issues, such as a lack of customers, can arise especially in larger cities with heavy traffic. To address these challenges, avoid traffic congestion near commercial areas, construct parking lots nearby, and facilitate public transportation and taxi stops.

Some players speculate that an excessive influx of customer messages is due to a game bug. If all the aforementioned actions failed to resolve the issue, it is possible that a game bug is to blame. One potential solution is to demolish the building experiencing the customer shortage error and subsequently rebuild it.

Currently, Cities: Skylines 2 is accessible on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Cities: Skylines, I was thrilled to hear about the release of Cities: Skylines 2. However, I was disappointed to encounter the frustrating "Not Enough Customers" error. After reading the article, I was relieved to learn that there are solutions to this issue.

The article provides several helpful tips for resolving the customer shortage problem. One suggestion is to develop residential areas in close proximity to commercial areas. This makes sense, as it would allow residents to easily access the goods and services they need. Another suggestion is to arrange commercial areas appropriately using the Info Views Tab. This would allow you to identify the best locations for commercial zones, based on factors such as commercial suitability and customer statistics.

I am confident that these solutions will help me to resolve the "Not Enough Customers" error and create a thriving city in Cities: Skylines 2. I am excited to continue playing the game and exploring all of the new features that it has to offer.