A Brilliant Connection: Delicate Links American Horror Story 12 to 2 Previous Seasons

A Brilliant Connection: Delicate Links American Horror Story 12 to 2 Previous Seasons

American Horror Story 12 Theory Connects Delicate To 2 Past Seasons In A Remarkable Manner

American Horror Story: Delicate presents the intriguing concept that Siobhan, Anna's closest companion and publicist, may have struck a pact with the supernatural forces to achieve success, thus potentially connecting this season with its predecessors.

Article Overview

Connections to previous seasons like Coven, Cult, and Apocalypse, along with the presence of mysterious characters, Satanic deals, and black robes, in Delicate suggest a potential link to a dangerous coven or cult requiring Anna to bear a demonic child. American Horror Story: Delicate, reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby, draws parallels between Siobhan and Guy, as Siobhan makes a deal with a coven or cult for success, and Anna's destiny may mirror that of Rosemary.

American Horror Story's 12th season, Delicate, is currently underway and a theory surrounding Anna (Emma Roberts) suggests that this new season is intertwined with two past seasons. Breaking away from tradition, American Horror Story introduces a new season based on the novel Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine. However, there have been some modifications to suit the show's unique style and incorporate it into its overarching universe. Interestingly, there are potentially sinister connections to be found with two previous seasons.

In American Horror Story: Delicate, we follow Anna, a young aspiring actress who endeavors to become pregnant. However, she becomes suspicious of a conspiracy revolving around her, aiming to prevent her from having a child. Even those closest to her, including her husband Dex (Matt Czuchry) and her best friend and publicist Siobhan (Kim Kardashian), may be involved in some way. Despite supposedly enduring a miscarriage, Anna discovers that she is still carrying a child, fueling her growing suspicions and paranoia. Episodes 4 and 5 of AHS: Delicate introduce certain details that give rise to a theory connecting this season to two previous ones, all thanks to Siobhan.

Theory: Siobhan Sold Anna's Firstborn In Exchange For Their Success

American Horror Story: Delicate has hinted at a Satanic deal

A Brilliant Connection: Delicate Links American Horror Story 12 to 2 Previous Seasons

In American Horror Story: Delicate, Anna and the audience have been led to believe that she is suffering from mental instability and imagining threats against her and her unborn child. However, as is customary in every season of American Horror Story, there have also been subtle indications that Anna's suspicions may be justified and that those close to her, including Siobhan, may have ulterior motives. Episodes 4 and 5 of AHS: Delicate have provided crucial clues that suggest Siobhan may be the puppet master behind it all, and not solely for her own gain.

In American Horror Story: Delicate, episode 4 starts with a flashback to 1555 when Mary I gives birth to a demonic child. She handovers the child to two women dressed in black, portrayed by Billie Lourd and Leslie Grossman. It is revealed that Mary I made a pact with the devil in exchange for a successful reign, resulting in her giving her baby away. These same women reappear in the present day as Siobhan hires them to handle Anna's PR crisis and improve her public image.

In the same episode, it is disclosed that Siobhan is engaged in an affair with Hamish, the director of the film that propelled Anna's career. Their conversation suggests that Siobhan made a similar deal as Mary I to ensure the success of Hamish's film, which would also benefit her and Anna. This is further implied during Siobhan's dinner with Hamish in episode 5 and at the end of the episode when she eliminates Anna's strongest competition in a gruesome manner. The theory proposes that Siobhan made a pact with Satan to secure her, Hamish, and Anna's prosperity, with Anna's newborn being the sacrifice. This theory is additionally unsettling considering Siobhan's previous mention of a miscarriage, which suggests she lacks empathy for her supposed best friend.

AHS Theory Connects Delicate To Cult & Coven

American Horror Story: Delicate could be dealing with witches, cults, & more

A Brilliant Connection: Delicate Links American Horror Story 12 to 2 Previous Seasons

If Siobhan were to strike a bargain with Satan, seeking not only her own success but also that of Hamish and Anna, with the agreed-upon cost being Anna's firstborn child, it would establish a connection between American Horror Story: Delicate and Coven and Cult. The presence of characters portrayed by Lourde and Grossman at different points in time suggests their involvement in witchcraft, possibly distinct from Cordelia's coven in Season 3. The Satanic pacts, the enigmatic individuals donned in black robes, and the appearance of a black goat (potentially Black Phillip) also indicate a potential tie to Cult, although the purpose of this cult remains unknown. However, these Satanic associations could also serve as a link to Apocalypse, which hinted at the emergence of a new Antichrist towards the conclusion.

Siobhan might be involved in a dangerous coven or cult, which requires Anna to bear a demonic child, just as it happened with Mary Tudor I and Preecher. In return, Siobhan would be granted power and success. Additionally, American Horror Story: Delicate has subtly hinted at the presence of vampirism. This is evident when the vitamin B complex given by Siobhan to Anna resembled blood rather than regular vitamins, resulting in various issues for Anna.

AHS Theory Further Connects Season 12 To Rosemary’s Baby

American Horror Story: Delicate has various similarities with Rosemary's Baby

A Brilliant Connection: Delicate Links American Horror Story 12 to 2 Previous Seasons

The undeniable parallels between American Horror Story: Delicate and Rosemary's Baby become even more apparent when considering this theory. In Rosemary's Baby, a cult uses Rosemary as a vessel to carry the Antichrist after her husband, Guy, strikes a deal with Satan in exchange for a successful acting career. In the case of Anna in American Horror Story: Delicate, it is not Dex who makes a pact with a coven or cult, but rather Siobhan, whose motivations will be revealed in the second part of the series. The question remains if Anna will also suffer a fate similar to Rosemary's, who, despite her initial shock, had no choice but to accept her circumstances.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am intrigued by the theory that connects American Horror Story: Delicate to previous seasons. The idea that Siobhan, Anna's closest companion and publicist, may have made a pact with supernatural forces to achieve success is a fascinating one, and it would be interesting to see how this storyline develops.

The connections to previous seasons like Coven, Cult, and Apocalypse, along with the presence of mysterious characters, Satanic deals, and black robes, in Delicate suggest a potential link to a dangerous coven or cult requiring Anna to bear a demonic child. This would be a dark and twisted turn for the show, and I am excited to see how the writers explore this potential storyline. Overall, I am enjoying American Horror Story: Delicate so far, and I am excited to see how the season unfolds. The show has always been known for its unexpected twists and turns, and I am sure that this season will be no different.