9 Unexpected Ways Mr. & Mrs. Smith Could Channel James Bond

9 Unexpected Ways Mr. & Mrs. Smith Could Channel James Bond

Explore how the dynamic duo of Mr. & Mrs. Smith could take on a whole new level of espionage inspired by the iconic James Bond movies in ways you never imagined.

1. The Volcano Lair Adventure

Imagine John and Jane embarking on a daring mission to a volcanic hideaway, inspired by the iconic Blofeld's volcano lair in James Bond movies. While the villainous base may not align with their usual escapades, their globetrotting adventures could lead them to an unexpected volcanic destination.

Ninjas attack in the villain's volcano lair in You Only Live Twice

Ninjas attack in the villain's volcano lair in You Only Live Twice

2. The Aston Martin Chase

In a surprising turn of events, John and Jane find themselves behind the wheel of a tricked-out Aston Martin, reminiscent of James Bond's iconic vehicle. While gadgets may seem out of place in their world, the modified car could be their ticket to outsmarting their pursuers and navigating their new life on the run.

Aston Martin DB5 Goldfinger - Coolest James Bond Gadgets

Aston Martin DB5 Goldfinger - Coolest James Bond Gadgets

3. The Underwater Conundrum

Dive into an underwater escapade with John and Jane, drawing inspiration from Bond's legendary underwater fight in Thunderball. While an underwater base may not fit their usual style, the mystery surrounding Hihi and Bev hints at a world of espionage that could take them to uncharted depths.

An underwater action scene in Thunderball.

An underwater action scene in Thunderball.

4. The Skydiving Dilemma

Picture John and Jane pushed to their limits in a thrilling skydiving scene akin to Bond's daring skydiving adventure in Moonraker. As they face assassins and shocking twists, the Smiths must confront new challenges to survive the relentless pursuit of Hihi.

James Bond being pushed out of a plane in Moonraker

James Bond being pushed out of a plane in Moonraker

5. The Exotic Duel

Step into a tropical showdown as John and Jane find themselves in a serene duel, inspired by the classic finale in The Man With The Golden Gun. The contrast between their frenzied action and a slow, intense confrontation adds a new layer of tension to their high-stakes missions.

Bond and Scaramanga back-to-back in The Man with the Golden Gun

Bond and Scaramanga back-to-back in The Man with the Golden Gun

6. The Parade Parallel

Witness a vibrant parade setting as John and Jane navigate a dynamic scene reminiscent of Spectre's Mexico City parade. With unique directing choices and unconventional perspectives, their next chapter unfolds in a visually captivating and thrilling manner.

Bond and Estrella at the Day of the Dead festivities in Mexico City - Spectre

Bond and Estrella at the Day of the Dead festivities in Mexico City - Spectre

7. The Bickering Bond

Explore the comedic potential of John and Jane's bickering dynamic, akin to the banter between James Bond and his allies. While their relationship drama adds a humorous twist to their spy adventures, their constant squabbles bring a new dimension to the world of espionage.

Bond and Wai Lin on a motorcycle in Tomorrow Never Dies

Bond and Wai Lin on a motorcycle in Tomorrow Never Dies

8. The High-Stakes Game

Delve into a tense card game scenario where John and Jane face off in a high-stakes showdown, drawing parallels to the dramatic poker scenes in Casino Royale. While their banter lightens the mood, the game of wits and strategy adds an intriguing layer to their spy thriller narrative.

Casino Royale chase scene image.

Casino Royale chase scene image.

9. The Pursuit of Danger

Follow John and Jane as they evade assassins in a heart-pounding chase inspired by the relentless pursuit in From Russia With Love. With Hihi's shadow looming over them, the Smiths must outsmart their enemies and navigate a world of danger to survive their most perilous mission yet.

Red Grant with a gun in From Russia with Love

Red Grant with a gun in From Russia with Love