9 Most Controversial Abandoned Plot Twists in Movies

9 Most Controversial Abandoned Plot Twists in Movies

Uncover the abandoned plot twists that could have changed the course of these iconic movies.

The Unexpected Endings

Titanic - Alternate Ending

Movies are as much about the journey as they are the destination, and these abandoned plot twists could have taken us to very different destinations indeed. Let's dive into the unexpected endings that could have shocked and surprised audiences, for better or for worse.

Riggs and Murtaugh standing side by side in Lethal Weapon 2

Riggs and Murtaugh standing side by side in Lethal Weapon 2

The worst abandoned plot twist ideas for movies often involve the main character dying. However, in the original script for Lethal Weapon 2, Riggs was set to meet a different fate. The climactic final battle with Pieter Vorstedt would have led to Riggs' slow and poignant death, leaving Murtagh and audiences devastated. But the producers thought this ending was too dark, and it's a good thing they did. Riggs' survival allowed the Lethal Weapon franchise to keep its original tone and set the stage for more sequels.

Chancellor Palpatine talking to Anakin in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

Chancellor Palpatine talking to Anakin in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

In a galaxy far, far away, an abandoned plot twist involving Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker almost made it to the big screen. The original script for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith included a revelation that would have changed the entire Star Wars saga. Chancellor Palpatine's claim to be Anakin's 'father' would have added a whole new dimension to the story. However, this twist would have been a misstep, as it would have muddled the already divisive concept of Midi-chlorians and diminished the impact of the Darth Vader revelation in The Empire Strikes Back.

Oogie Boogie looking menacing in The Nightmare Before Christmas

Oogie Boogie looking menacing in The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas almost had a shocking reveal involving the villain Oogie Boogie. An alternate ending depicted the puppeteer behind Oogie Boogie's menacing facade to be none other than Dr. Finkelstein. This twist would have altered the perception of Oogie Boogie as an iconic villain and taken the story in a different direction. Fortunately, this idea was scrapped, and the more straightforward downfall of Oogie Boogie prevailed, preserving the integrity of the character and the narrative.

Dr. Finkelstein looks at a skull in The Nightmare Before Christmas

Dr. Finkelstein looks at a skull in The Nightmare Before Christmas

The iconic romance-drama Titanic also had an abandoned plot twist that would have changed the way audiences viewed the story. A deleted scene almost revealed Rose's possession of the Heart of the Ocean diamond in a more dramatic fashion. However, director James Cameron wisely decided to keep this moment as a subtle twist, allowing the audience to discover it alongside Cal. This decision enhanced the impact of the revelation and kept the focus on the characters' emotional journey.

Oogie Boogie capturing Santa Claus in the Nightmare Before Christmas

Oogie Boogie capturing Santa Claus in the Nightmare Before Christmas

Toy Story 4 took Woody and Bo Peep on a heartfelt journey, but the original ending would have taken a different turn. Bo Peep's connection with a new character, Harmony, almost led to a separation between her and Woody. This decision would have echoed the franchise's recurring theme but added nothing new to the story. The eventual ending, where Woody and Bo Peep part ways, provided a more impactful and emotionally resonant conclusion.

Oogie boogie bugs Nightmare before christmas

Oogie boogie bugs Nightmare before christmas

The Shocking Twists

Some abandoned plot twists are so shocking that they would have left a lasting impact on the audience. In the original ending of Alien, the sole survivor Ellen Ripley was set to meet a grisly fate at the hands of the Xenomorph. This would have deviated from the survivalist horror that solidified Ripley as an iconic character and made her the star of multiple Alien sequels. The decision to let Ripley survive was a wise one, as it allowed her to continue her legendary journey in the subsequent movies.

Jack and Sally in The Nightmare Before Christmas

Jack and Sally in The Nightmare Before Christmas

Thelma & Louise's famous ending almost took a different turn, with a surprising twist that would have altered the fate of one of the protagonists. Director Ridley Scott considered having Louise save Thelma at the last moment, changing the course of their wild adventure. However, the real ending, where both women drive off the cliff, captured the essence of their bond and provided a more impactful conclusion to their story.

An old Rose talking to people about her experience in Titanic

An old Rose talking to people about her experience in Titanic

Get Out, the award-winning horror film, had multiple alternate endings that would have taken the story in a bleaker direction. One ending involved a chilling revelation about Chris' fate, while another depicted a more tragic outcome for the protagonist. Director Jordan Peele's decision to go with the somewhat happier ending allowed the film to strike a balance between horror and hope, resonating with audiences on a deeper level.

Woody Bo Peep Toy Story 4

Woody Bo Peep Toy Story 4

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World almost veered into darker territory with an abandoned twist ending. The revelation that Scott had murdered all of Ramona's exes would have drastically altered the tone and undermined the fun pop culture references that defined the movie. Fortunately, this twist was discarded, preserving the lighthearted and entertaining nature of the story.

Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley with Ian Holm as Ash behind her In Alien 1979

Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley with Ian Holm as Ash behind her In Alien 1979

The concept of Darth Vader and Boba Fett being brothers was an abandoned plot twist that could have had far-reaching implications for the Star Wars saga. However, George Lucas wisely chose a different path, avoiding unnecessary familial plot twists that could have overshadowed the core narrative. This decision allowed the Star Wars universe to maintain its coherence and focus on the essential elements that define the franchise.

 Close up on the Xenomorph

Close up on the Xenomorph "face" in Alien 1979