9 Marvel Comics Characters That Deserve a Live-Action Role in the MCU

9 Marvel Comics Characters That Deserve a Live-Action Role in the MCU

Discover some of the most intriguing Marvel Comics characters who have yet to receive a live-action role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. These heroes and anti-heroes bring unique powers, backstories, and potential to the big screen.

1. Amadeus Cho as a Smart and Powerful Addition

Amadeus Cho, known as one of the smartest minds in the Marvel universe, remains untapped in the MCU's live-action realm. With his exceptional perception and extraordinary abilities, Amadeus Cho could bring a fresh perspective to the superhero lineup.

Justin H. Min as Ben in the mansion in The Umbrella Academy season 4

Justin H. Min as Ben in the mansion in The Umbrella Academy season 4

2. Black Cat: The Feline Femme Fatale

Black Cat, Marvel's equivalent to Catwoman, is a captivating character yet to grace the silver screen. With her intriguing backstory and complex relationship with Spider-Man, Black Cat could add a touch of mystery and allure to the MCU.

Black Cat in Spider-Man the Animated Series.

Black Cat in Spider-Man the Animated Series.

3. The Rawhide Kid: A Western Marvel Surprise

The Rawhide Kid, Marvel's original gunslinger, presents a unique opportunity for the MCU to explore the Western genre. As one of Marvel's first openly gay characters, the Rawhide Kid's inclusion could pave the way for greater diversity and representation on screen.



4. Penance/Speedball: A Transformation Story

Penance, formerly known as Speedball, offers a compelling narrative of transformation and guilt. Integral to Marvel's iconic Civil War storyline, Penance's journey would resonate with audiences, especially when portrayed by a talented actor like Calum Worthy.

Calum Worthy in Reboot and The Act

Calum Worthy in Reboot and The Act

5. Rick Jones/A-Bomb: The Hulk Connection

Rick Jones, a pivotal figure in The Hulk's origin story, brings a unique dynamic to the superhero landscape. With his humorous demeanor and connection to The Hulk, Rick Jones could offer a fresh perspective on the gamma-irradiated world of the MCU.

5. Rick Jones/A-Bomb: The Hulk Connection

5. Rick Jones/A-Bomb: The Hulk Connection

6. Squirrel Girl: The Unlikely Hero

Squirrel Girl, known for her unconventional powers and comedic charm, is a standout character awaiting her live-action debut. With a knack for defeating formidable foes, Squirrel Girl's inclusion could inject a dose of humor and unpredictability into the MCU.

Featured Image: Marvel Comics' Squirrel Girl posing in front of a brick wall

Featured Image: Marvel Comics' Squirrel Girl posing in front of a brick wall

7. Fantomex: The Mysterious Mutant Thief

Fantomex, a mysterious mutant thief with a host of unique abilities, offers a fresh take on the X-Men universe. With his enigmatic persona and complex backstory, Fantomex could become a captivating addition to the MCU's expanding roster of mutants.



8. The Silver Surfer: Herald of Cosmic Adventures

The Silver Surfer, a cosmic hero with immense power and a captivating arc, remains a standout character yet to grace the MCU. As a herald of Galactus, the Silver Surfer's journey from detached observer to Earth's protector could offer a compelling narrative for Marvel audiences.

Silver Surfer in space in Marvel Comics

Silver Surfer in space in Marvel Comics

9. The Original Android Human Torch: A Historical Marvel Icon

The Original Android Human Torch, a pioneering hero in Marvel's history, brings a unique perspective to the superhero genre. With his pyrokinetic powers and intriguing backstory, the Android Human Torch could shine in a period film exploring Marvel's rich history.

Joe Alwyn in Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

Joe Alwyn in Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk