9 LGBTQ+ Anime That Redefined Representation in the Industry

9 LGBTQ+ Anime That Redefined Representation in the Industry

Explore the top 9 LGBTQ+ anime series that have redefined representation in the industry, pushing boundaries and championing positive LGBTQ+ representation in their narratives. These anime have stood the test of time and continue to inspire and resonate with viewers around the world.

Princess Knight: A Trailblazing Magical Girl Classic

Princess Knight is a groundbreaking anime that introduced a gender-nonconforming hero, Sapphire, to the world. The series, which first aired in 1967, featured Sapphire, a character born with the pink heart of a girl and the blue heart of a boy, who bravely navigated a world that expected conformity. Inspired by the Takarazuka Revue, Princess Knight challenged gender norms and depicted a nuanced portrayal of identity and self-expression.

Sapphire from the Princess Knight anime riding a horse.

Sapphire from the Princess Knight anime riding a horse.

The anime's themes were way ahead of its time, setting the stage for positive LGBTQ+ representation in the medium. Despite some criticisms, Princess Knight's impact as a proto-feminist must-watch cannot be denied, making it a classic that has redefined the magical girl genre.



Patalliro!: A Groundbreaking Shounen-Ai Series

Patalliro! broke new ground as the first anime to present shounen-ai themes on television when it premiered in 1982. The series followed the adventures of Patalliro, the 10-year-old king of Malynera, and his bodyguard, Bancoran, in a delightfully weird and wacky world. Bancoran and his lover, Maraich, were at the center of jewel-related heists, challenging stereotypes and paving the way for positive MLM representation in anime.

Sailor Moon Crystal screencap of Neptune and Uranus.

Sailor Moon Crystal screencap of Neptune and Uranus.

The impact of Patalliro! on LGBTQ+ representation in the industry cannot be overstated. By embracing shounen-ai themes, the series made a lasting impression and redefined the boundaries of queer storytelling in anime.

Sailor Moon in an iconic moment making a distressed expression.

Sailor Moon in an iconic moment making a distressed expression.

Sailor Moon: Iconic Queer Couples and Censorship

Sailor Moon, a beloved magical girl classic, featured iconic queer couples that faced censorship when the series was brought to American audiences. The original Japanese version depicted the relationship between Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus, challenging traditional norms and celebrating queer love. However, censorship led to the portrayal of these couples being altered in the English dub.

sailor moon crystal screencap of two main villains standing together.

sailor moon crystal screencap of two main villains standing together.

Despite the challenges, Sailor Moon's queer themes continue to resonate with audiences, showcasing the enduring impact of the series on LGBTQ+ representation in anime. The series has become a symbol of resilience and the power of queer storytelling in the medium.

sailor moon full cast against a Tokyo skyline.

sailor moon full cast against a Tokyo skyline.

Revolutionary Girl Utena: A Surreal LGBTQ+ Classic

Revolutionary Girl Utena broke new ground with its surreal and avant-garde storytelling, positioning Utena Tenjou as a prince in the courtly love tradition. The series centered around Utena's duels to rescue the girl she loves, Anthy, challenging traditional narratives and embracing LGBTQ+ love storylines.

sailor moon screen cap of Luna making a disgruntled face.

sailor moon screen cap of Luna making a disgruntled face.

The allegory, subversion, and experimental theater elements of Revolutionary Girl Utena redefined LGBTQ+ storytelling in anime, paving the way for more nuanced and complex representations of queer relationships in the medium.

revolutionary girl utena

revolutionary girl utena

Cardcaptor Sakura: A Celebration of Bisexuality

Cardcaptor Sakura celebrated bisexuality through its young protagonists, Sakura and Syaoran, who expressed interest in both boys and girls throughout the series. The anime prioritized interpersonal relationships, showcasing the importance of queer love elements in the storyline.

cardcaptor sakura key visual of the titular character in her classic outfit.

cardcaptor sakura key visual of the titular character in her classic outfit.

The series also featured Sakura's brother, Toya, and his gay subplot with his best friend, Yuki, further expanding the representation of LGBTQ+ characters in anime. Cardcaptor Sakura's exploration of bisexuality redefined the portrayal of queer identities in the medium.

Cardcaptor Sakura screen cap of a young boy blushing.

Cardcaptor Sakura screen cap of a young boy blushing.

Ouran High School Host Club: Challenging Gender Presentation

Ouran High School Host Club challenged gender norms through its protagonist, Haruhi, who defied traditional expectations. Haruhi's nonbinary identity and her focus on valuing people beyond outward appearances made her an iconic character that resonated with audiences.

cardcaptor sakura screencap of a dark-haired girl on the phone.

cardcaptor sakura screencap of a dark-haired girl on the phone.

The series, which aired over 15 years ago, continues to be relevant, especially in a time when discussions of nonbinary identities have entered popular discourse. Ouran High School Host Club's themes of gender presentation redefined the portrayal of gender-nonconforming characters in anime.

cardcaptor sakura screencap of two male characters sharing food.

cardcaptor sakura screencap of two male characters sharing food.

Land of the Lustrous: A Genderless Future

Land of the Lustrous transported viewers to a distant, meteorite-ravaged future inhabited by humanoid gem people. The protagonist, Phos, sought to prove their worth in battle and find a sense of belonging in a world without defined genders.

cardcaptor sakura screen cap of a white-haired angel with his arms crossed.

cardcaptor sakura screen cap of a white-haired angel with his arms crossed.

The series provided a thought-provoking exploration of gendered constructs, challenging traditional norms and redefining the portrayal of gender in anime. With its action-packed narrative and nonbinary cast, Land of the Lustrous redefined the boundaries of queer storytelling in the medium.

ouran high school host club against a pink background

ouran high school host club against a pink background

Doukyuusei: A Wholesome Tale of Queer Romance

Doukyuusei offered a refreshing and wholesome portrayal of queer romance, focusing on the blossoming relationship between classmates Sajou and Kusakabe. The film's minimal art style and straightforward storytelling made it a breath of fresh air in a time when positive queer stories were lacking in popular media.

phosphophyllite from land of the lustrous with a cocnerned face.

phosphophyllite from land of the lustrous with a cocnerned face.

The simplicity of Doukyuusei's narrative and its soothing art style redefined the portrayal of LGBTQ+ romance in anime, offering a heartwarming alternative to harmful tropes. The film remains a must-watch for its uplifting representation of queer love.



Banana Fish: Handling Trauma and Romance

Banana Fish, first published in 1985, received praise for its sensitive handling of themes related to trauma and abuse. The series, which follows the experiences of the protagonist, Ash, and his subtextual relationship with Eiji, offered a refreshing perspective on LGBTQ+ storytelling in anime.

banana fish

banana fish

Amidst its action-packed narrative, Banana Fish purposefully avoided romanticizing abuse, redefining the portrayal of LGBTQ+ relationships in the medium. The series struck a balance between heartwarming moments and emotional depth, making it a compelling and impactful addition to LGBTQ+ anime.

the case files of jeweler richard screencap of the two main characters looking down.

the case files of jeweler richard screencap of the two main characters looking down.

The Case Files of Jeweler Richard: Exploring LGBTQ+ Realities

The Case Files of Jeweler Richard delved into the realities of being queer in Japan through its exploration of LGBTQ+ representation. The series featured notable LGBTQ+ characters and addressed the challenges of queer women in Japan, offering a nuanced portrayal of diverse identities.

the case files of jeweler richard 2

the case files of jeweler richard 2

By exploring the experiences of its characters, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard redefined the boundaries of LGBTQ+ storytelling in anime, shedding light on underrepresented identities and providing a platform for meaningful representation.

the case files of jeweler richard screencap of Richard making a sharp expression.

the case files of jeweler richard screencap of Richard making a sharp expression.