9 Fascinating Behind-the-Scenes Details of Society of the Snow

9 Fascinating Behind-the-Scenes Details of Society of the Snow

Explore the captivating behind-the-scenes facts that make Society of the Snow an even more remarkable film.

Unknown Actors Who Brought the Characters to Life

The cast of Society of the Snow is a testament to the director's vision, as lesser-known actors were carefully chosen to portray the characters. Director J.A. Bayona sought personalities that mirrored those of the real-life individuals, and the documentary captures the exhilarating moments when these actors learned they had secured their roles.

Numa Turcatti (Enzo Vogrncic) during the avalanche in Society of the Snow.

Numa Turcatti (Enzo Vogrncic) during the avalanche in Society of the Snow.

The selection of relatively unknown actors added a layer of authenticity to the film, bringing a sense of genuine connection between the characters and their real-life counterparts.

Coche Inciarte's Reads The Newspaper Society Of The Snow

Coche Inciarte's Reads The Newspaper Society Of The Snow

The Unwavering Trust of the Real-Life Survivors

The survivors of the actual event placed their complete trust in J.A. Bayona's creative vision, providing him with unrestricted creative freedom while crafting the script. This rare level of trust allowed the film to maintain a remarkable level of accuracy, with minimal deviations from the true story.

Real-life survivors Society of the Snow survivors being rescued

Real-life survivors Society of the Snow survivors being rescued

The documentary delves into the significance of the survivors' trust and its impact on the authenticity of the film, highlighting the remarkable collaboration between the survivors and the director.

A group of survivors raise their arms around the fuselage of a crashed plane in the Andes mountains in Society of the Snow.

A group of survivors raise their arms around the fuselage of a crashed plane in the Andes mountains in Society of the Snow.

The Grueling Conditions of Filming

Filming Society of the Snow was an arduous 140-day process, with a significant duration spent in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The documentary provides an inside look at the challenges faced by the film crew, shedding light on the dedication and resilience required to capture the essence of the story.

Trailer Stills From Netflix's Society Of The Snow

Trailer Stills From Netflix's Society Of The Snow

Throughout the filming, the actors underwent a gradual weight loss process, mirroring the real-life struggle of the survivors. This dedication to authenticity is a testament to the commitment of the cast and crew.

Enzo Vogrincic as Numa kneeling on a snowy mountain in Society of the Snow

Enzo Vogrincic as Numa kneeling on a snowy mountain in Society of the Snow

The Realism of the Set

The construction of the plane wreckage set is a remarkable feat, with five different sets serving various purposes throughout the film. The documentary reveals the intricate details of the set design, including the transportation of a fuselage model to the top of a mountain, showcasing the lengths the crew went to in order to capture the true essence of the story.

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow with a character trapped

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow with a character trapped

Furthermore, the backdrop shots in the film are entirely real footage from the Andes, immersing the viewer in the authentic environment of the narrative.

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow with two frightened characters

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow with two frightened characters

The Impact of Adverse Circumstances

The commencement of filming was marked by the challenge of COVID-19, with J.A. Bayona and the actors battling the virus. This unforeseen obstacle added an extra layer of difficulty to the production, showcasing the resilience and determination of the entire team.

Images From Society Of The Snow Trailer And Ethan Hawke in Alive 1993

Images From Society Of The Snow Trailer And Ethan Hawke in Alive 1993

Moreover, filming at an elevation of over 9,000 feet presented a unique set of challenges, highlighting the dedication of the crew to capturing the authenticity of the setting.

Netflix's Society Of The Snow character looking frightened on a mountain side

Netflix's Society Of The Snow character looking frightened on a mountain side

The Cinematic Adaptation of a Harrowing Tale

Society of the Snow masterfully brings to life the harrowing tale of survival in the Andes, and the documentary provides a deeper understanding of the meticulous attention to detail that went into the film's creation. From the casting of unknown actors to the painstaking recreation of the plane wreckage, each aspect of the film is explored in captivating detail.

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow.

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow.

The behind-the-scenes details not only enhance the appreciation for the film, but also shed light on the dedication and passion that shaped this remarkable cinematic adaptation.

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow.

Avalanche scene in Society of the Snow.

The Immersive Realism of the Film

The commitment to realism is evident in every aspect of Society of the Snow, from the meticulous casting of unknown actors to the use of real footage from the Andes as backdrops. This dedication to authenticity creates an immersive experience for the audience, allowing them to truly connect with the characters and their journey.

Numa Turcatti in Society of the Snow

Numa Turcatti in Society of the Snow

The documentary offers a glimpse into the meticulous efforts that contributed to the immersive realism of the film, elevating the audience's appreciation for the captivating storytelling.

The plane losing control in Society of the Snow

The plane losing control in Society of the Snow

The Remarkable Set Design

The construction of the plane wreckage set is a remarkable feat, with five different sets serving various purposes throughout the film. The documentary reveals the intricate details of the set design, including the transportation of a fuselage model to the top of a mountain, showcasing the lengths the crew went to in order to capture the true essence of the story.

Roberto and Nando alone on the mountaintop in Society of the Snow

Roberto and Nando alone on the mountaintop in Society of the Snow

Furthermore, the backdrop shots in the film are entirely real footage from the Andes, immersing the viewer in the authentic environment of the narrative.

Society of the Snow real life characters 2

Society of the Snow real life characters 2

The Resilient Spirit of the Cast and Crew

The challenges faced by the cast and crew, from battling COVID-19 to enduring the grueling conditions of filming at high altitude, exemplify their unwavering dedication to bringing the story to life. The documentary captures the resilience and determination that fueled the production, underscoring the remarkable commitment of all involved.

The inside of the plane as it loses control in Society of the Snow

The inside of the plane as it loses control in Society of the Snow

The behind-the-scenes details not only offer insight into the production process, but also honor the resilient spirit of the entire cast and crew.

Rafael Federman as Eduardo Strauch looking off to the side in Society of the Snow

Rafael Federman as Eduardo Strauch looking off to the side in Society of the Snow

The Collaborative Trust Between Director and Survivors

The collaborative trust between J.A. Bayona and the real-life survivors is a testament to the profound impact of their partnership. The survivors' willingness to entrust Bayona with complete creative freedom speaks volumes about the mutual respect and shared vision that shaped the film.

Esteban Kukuriczka as Adolfo Starch looking out of helicopter window in Society of the Snow

Esteban Kukuriczka as Adolfo Starch looking out of helicopter window in Society of the Snow

The documentary delves into the significance of this collaborative trust, offering a poignant portrayal of the profound connection between the director and the survivors.

Benjamin Segura as Rafael Echavarren looking worried in Society of the Snow

Benjamin Segura as Rafael Echavarren looking worried in Society of the Snow