9 Dinosaurs We Need to See in the New Jurassic World Movie

9 Dinosaurs We Need to See in the New Jurassic World Movie

Exploring the exciting possibilities for new dinosaurs in the upcoming Jurassic World 4 movie.

Patagotitan Mayorum: The Gargantuan Beast

The Jurassic World series is known for its iconic dinosaurs, but one colossal creature has yet to make its appearance on the big screen. Enter Patagotitan Mayorum, the gargantuan beast from the Late Cretaceous period. Weighing a colossal 70 metric tons and boasting an elongated neck that stretched over 120 feet, this titan of the prehistoric world would tower over even the mighty Brachiosaurus. With its awe-inspiring size and presence, Patagotitan Mayorum is a dinosaur that deserves its moment in the spotlight.

Patagotitan Mayorum dinosaur concept art

Patagotitan Mayorum dinosaur concept art

Suzhousaurus: The Feathered Giant

The absence of feathered dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park series could soon be a thing of the past with the potential introduction of Suzhousaurus in Jurassic World 4. This dinosaur, hailing from the Early Cretaceous period, is named for its discovery in China and is known for its robust plumage. With its bulky, squat body and a long serpentine neck ending in a sharp beak, Suzhousaurus presents a dramatic departure from the featherless dinosaurs of the past. The addition of Suzhousaurus would not only bring a new dimension to the Jurassic World series but also showcase the diverse range of prehistoric creatures that once roamed the earth.

Suzhousaurus Jurassic World_ Primal Ops concept art scrapped

Suzhousaurus Jurassic World_ Primal Ops concept art scrapped

Kosmoceratops: The Ornate Skull

While the Triceratops has been a beloved presence in the Jurassic Park series, its lesser-known cousin, Kosmoceratops, has yet to grace the big screen. This late Cretaceous herbivore shares similarities with the Triceratops but boasts an incredibly ornate skull with intricate downward-pointing horns and a blade-like nasal projection. The inclusion of Kosmoceratops in Jurassic World 4 would not only diversify the herbivorous lineup but also introduce audiences to the unique and visually striking features of this lesser-known dinosaur.

Kosmoceratops skull

Kosmoceratops skull

Cryolophosaurus: The Cold-Adapted Predator

With its unique comb-shaped crest and adaptation to cold environments, Cryolophosaurus presents an intriguing addition to the Jurassic World series. This early Jurassic predator, which lived in Antarctica during a time when the continent was more of a tundra, offers the opportunity to explore new and uncharted territories within the franchise. The inclusion of Cryolophosaurus in Jurassic World 4 could bring a fresh perspective to the prehistoric world, showcasing the diverse habitats and adaptations of ancient creatures.

Cryolophasaurus concept art Jurassic World_ Camp Cretaceous

Cryolophasaurus concept art Jurassic World_ Camp Cretaceous

Plesiosaurus: The Aquatic Marvel

While not a dinosaur, Plesiosaurus is a captivating species of marine reptile that roamed the oceans of the Jurassic period. Known for its association with the legendary Loch Ness Monster, Plesiosaurus offers a unique opportunity to delve into the world of prehistoric marine life. The inclusion of Plesiosaurus in Jurassic World 4 could open the door to thrilling coastal encounters and showcase the wondrous diversity of ancient sea creatures.

Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster

Dunkleosteus: The Terrifying Aquatic Predator

Dunkleosteus, a giant armored fish with razor-sharp teeth, may not be a dinosaur, but its inclusion in Jurassic World 4 could add a new layer of danger to the franchise. This Late Devonian predator, known for its formidable armor plating and fearsome appearance, offers the opportunity to explore the prehistoric seas and introduce audiences to the awe-inspiring creatures that lurked beneath the waves. With its menacing presence, Dunkleosteus would make a formidable addition to the aquatic roster of Jurassic World 4.

Dunkleosteus skull

Dunkleosteus skull

Utahraptor: The Menacing Hunter

Utahraptor, the largest and most threatening dromaeosaurid of its time, presents an exciting prospect for Jurassic World 4. Named after the U.S. state in which it was discovered, Utahraptor offers a chance to rectify past inaccuracies and portray a more scientifically accurate depiction of these formidable pack hunters. The inclusion of Utahraptor in Jurassic World 4 would not only showcase the diversity of dromaeosaurids but also earn the franchise accolades from paleontologists for its attention to scientific detail.

Utahraptor dinosaur

Utahraptor dinosaur

Gigantoraptor: The Feathered Behemoth

Gigantoraptor, the largest of the Oviraptorosaurs, presents an intriguing addition to the Jurassic World series. With its impressive size and feathered appearance, Gigantoraptor offers a glimpse into the diverse range of prehistoric creatures. The inclusion of Gigantoraptor in Jurassic World 4 would not only expand the roster of feathered dinosaurs but also introduce audiences to the awe-inspiring scale of these ancient giants.

Gigantoraptor enclosure concept art Jurassic World

Gigantoraptor enclosure concept art Jurassic World

Liopleurodon: The Swift Predator of the Seas

Liopleurodon, a swift and formidable pliosaurid from the Jurassic period, could bring a new level of aquatic terror to Jurassic World 4. With its fast swimming speed and keen sense of smell, Liopleurodon would make for a thrilling addition to the prehistoric marine ecosystem. The inclusion of Liopleurodon in Jurassic World 4 would open the door to heart-pounding underwater encounters and showcase the diverse array of sea-dwelling predators that once ruled the ancient oceans.

Liopleurodon 3D model

Liopleurodon 3D model