7 Unforgettable Episodes from The 100 That Define the Series

7 Unforgettable Episodes from The 100 That Define the Series

Explore the top episodes from The 100 that capture the essence of survival, morality, and compelling character dynamics in unexpected ways.

1. Episode 7 - 'The Final Stand'

The 100's journey through survival and morality reaches a dramatic peak in 'The Final Stand.' As tensions escalate between the factions, Clarke and her allies face their toughest challenge yet. The episode's gripping action sequences and heart-wrenching sacrifices leave a lasting impact on the characters and viewers alike, setting the stage for the series' finale.

Clarke Griffin and the other members of The 100 standing on the battlefield in the season 1 finale

Clarke Griffin and the other members of The 100 standing on the battlefield in the season 1 finale

2. Episode 4 - 'Echoes of the Past'

In a departure from the usual formula, 'Echoes of the Past' delves deep into the characters' histories, revealing hidden truths and unresolved conflicts. The episode's exploration of the past adds layers to the present struggles, showcasing the complexities of the relationships and decisions that define the characters.

Octavia Blake on a walkie-talkie in The 100 season 4

Octavia Blake on a walkie-talkie in The 100 season 4

3. Episode 2 - 'Shadows of Betrayal'

'Shadows of Betrayal' shines a light on the darker side of survival as alliances are tested and loyalties are questioned. The episode's intense intrigue and unexpected betrayals keep viewers on the edge of their seats, challenging the characters to confront their deepest fears and desires.

Clarke and Allie in The 100 season 6, episode 7

Clarke and Allie in The 100 season 6, episode 7

4. Episode 5 - 'Echoes of Redemption'

As redemption becomes a central theme, 'Echoes of Redemption' forces the characters to confront their past mistakes and seek forgiveness. The episode's emotional depth and poignant moments pave the way for healing and growth, offering hope amidst the chaos of survival.

The 100 Season 4 Finale Clarke Raven Bellamy

The 100 Season 4 Finale Clarke Raven Bellamy

5. Episode 6 - 'Whispers of Change'

'Whispers of Change' heralds a new era as the characters face pivotal decisions that will shape their futures. The episode's exploration of transformation and evolution resonates deeply, challenging the characters to adapt to the shifting dynamics of their world.

The 100 Season 4 Finale John Murphy

The 100 Season 4 Finale John Murphy

6. Episode 1 - 'Rise from the Ashes'

In a stunning opener, 'Rise from the Ashes' sets the stage for a season of rebirth and renewal. The episode's symbolic imagery and thematic richness lay the groundwork for the characters' personal and collective journeys, igniting a spark of hope in the midst of adversity.

The 100 Damocles Part 2 S5E13

The 100 Damocles Part 2 S5E13

7. Episode 3 - 'Echoes of Destiny'

As destiny looms large, 'Echoes of Destiny' reveals the interconnected paths of the characters and the fateful choices that await them. The episode's epic scope and narrative depth weave a tapestry of interconnected storylines, setting the stage for an unforgettable conclusion.

Callie Cadogan near a fire with many people behind her in The 100 backdoor pilot for a prequel series

Callie Cadogan near a fire with many people behind her in The 100 backdoor pilot for a prequel series