5 Creative Ways to Transform Plain Ribbon: Unleash Your Imagination with Remnant 2

5 Creative Ways to Transform Plain Ribbon: Unleash Your Imagination with Remnant 2

Discover the hidden potential of the Plain Ribbon in Remnant 2's immersive world of Losomn Unveil the intricate secrets and unravel the mysteries tied to this enigmatic Quest Item Dive into our guide on how to make the most of the Plain Ribbon's power

The Plain Ribbon is a Quest Item in Remnant 2 that can be found on several maps in the world of Losomn. While obtaining this item should not pose much difficulty as it is not well hidden, players may become unsure about its purpose once they have it in their inventories. This guide aims to clear up any confusion and provides detailed instructions on how to use the Plain Ribbon in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2: How to Use Plain Ribbon

Once players have obtained the Plain Ribbon, they should proceed to search the current map for a statue depicting two Faes holding hands. Fans of Soulslike games should then interact with this statue and choose to wrap the Plain Ribbon around the Faes' wrists. After completing this step, players should exit and re-enter the map, and upon returning to the statues, they will discover that the Ribbon has now transformed into a collectible item.

To be more specific, upon returning to the statues in Remnant 2, the Plain Ribbon will have either transformed into the Silver Ribbon or the Golden Ribbon. Below are the details of these two amulets:

Silver Ribbon (Amulet): Increase Skill damage by 25%. Activating a Skill grants HASTE for 15s.

Golden Ribbon (Amulet): Increase Mod damage by 25%. Activating a Mod grants HASTE for 15s.

5 Creative Ways to Transform Plain Ribbon: Unleash Your Imagination with Remnant 2

The amulet awarded to players depends on the version of Losomn where the Fae statues are found. Losomn has two versions: one with a light map and one with a dark map. Completing the event on the light map grants the Golden Ribbon, while completing it on the dark map grants the Silver Ribbon. Players who discover the statues in the Council Chambers or Gilded Chambers will receive the Golden Ribbon, while those who find them in the Great Hall or Shattered Gallery will receive the Silver Ribbon.

One important thing to note is that players can visit Nimue's Retreat on Losomn and interact with Nimue, an NPC. Nimue has the ability to combine the Golden and Silver Ribbons, resulting in the creation of Nimue's Ribbon. This special amulet provides a 50% increase in Relic Healing Effectiveness and grants haste for 25 seconds when a Relic is activated. Players who have managed to obtain both ribbons might be interested in pursuing this powerful amulet. However, it is worth mentioning that both the Golden and Silver Ribbons will be used up during the crafting process.

Remnant 2 is now available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.