20 Hilarious Quotes From Animal House: A National Lampoon Classic
Get ready to laugh till you cry with these 20 hilarious quotes from the iconic R-rated comedy National Lampoon's Animal House These unforgettable lines will have you in stitches from start to finish!
Article Overview
National Lampoon's
Animal House
introduced raunchy humor to a new audience, becoming a hit and inspiring modern comedies.
While John Belushi stole the show as Bluto, the entire cast of
Animal House
has standout moments.
With quotes such as the infamous
"Toga, Toga, Toga!"
still being referenced in movies and shows today it's clear that
Animal House
has a long-lasting cultural legacy.
Decades after its release in 1978, the quotes from the movie National Lampoon's Animal House still bring laughter. This groundbreaking R-rated comedy was the first of its kind, revealing a demand for daring and boundary-pushing humor. Animal House introduced the Delta Tau Chai frat boys and their outrageous antics to audiences, showcasing a new, wild side of the college experience.
To everyone's surprise, the movie became a huge success at the box office, and its memorable quotes have secured its enduring legacy. Many modern comedies with a raunchier tone draw inspiration directly from Animal House, owing to its timeless hilarity. Animal House played a significant role in solidifying National Lampoon as a revered comedy institution, and it also demonstrated that stars from Saturday Night Live, such as John Belushi, could shine on the big screen. However, it is worth noting that Belushi's character, Bluto, is not solely responsible for the film's funniest quotes, as the entire National Lampoon cast delivers memorable lines that steal the scene.
20. "Thank You, Sir! May I Have Another?"
Chip (Kevin Bacon)
Among the notable cast members of Animal House, an iconic National Lampoon comedy, Kevin Bacon's debut film is widely recognized. While playing the character of Chip, Bacon portrays a minor supporting role but manages to deliver one of the film's most memorable lines. Chip is depicted as an arrogant and privileged student who ultimately joins the prestigious fraternity, Omega House, as a pledge.
19. "Well, You Can Do Whatever You Want To Us, But We’re Not Going To Sit Here And Listen To You Badmouth The United States Of America."
This quote from Kevin Bacon in Animal House comes when Kip joins Omega House. In his initiation, Chip is forced to wear nothing but his underwear and bend over for paddling on his backside, all while asking for more. This scene is contrasted with the initiation party of Delta House, which is filled with drunken antics. It clearly showcases which house is more enjoyable to be a part of.
Otter (Tim Matheson)
Otter is an exceptional and charismatic leader of Delta House. Despite missing out on the role of Indiana Jones, actor Tim Matheson shines as the charming hero in this role. One of his outstanding scenes occurs when Delta House faces the disciplinary board. As a pre-law (or pre-med) student, Otter takes it upon himself to defend the group.
Displaying his suave personality, Otter swiftly redirects the conversation away from Delta House's wrongdoings. Instead, he questions whether this hearing is truly a reflection of the flaws within America itself. This witty and illogical jump in reasoning showcases Otter's carefree attitude and solidifies his position as a memorable character. Without a doubt, this remains one of the most memorable quotes from Tim Matheson in the film Animal House.
18. "You Can’t Spend Your Whole Life Worrying About Your Mistakes."
Otter (Tim Matheson)
Animal House portrays the unfortunate realization that placing trust in both the individuals within and associated with this college fraternity is a grave error. Nevertheless, the film also highlights the remarkable resilience of the fraternity members, who not only persevere through their mistakes but proudly embrace them as a mark of distinction.
Otter: Flounder, there's no point in dwelling on your mistakes forever! You made a mistake. You put your trust in us! Hey, let's see if we can turn this around. Maybe we can lend a hand.
In the subsequent conversation after this quote from Animal House, Otter advises Flounder (played by Stephen Furst) to let go of his blunder after trusting them and causing damage to Fred's car. Otter suggests that Flounder trusts them once more to assist him in improving the situation. While the advice may not be great, at least it brings some humor to the situation.
17. "Vegetables Can Be Really Sensuous, Don’t You Think?"
Otter (Tim Matheson)
Otter is known as the charmer within the group, and he excels in this department. However, he has a tendency to unknowingly pursue women who are romantically involved with his rivals. One day, while the group was at the grocery store, with the intention of shoplifting a considerable amount of food, Otter's attention was swiftly diverted by an attractive older woman who caught his eye in the produce section.
16. "Is This Really What You’re Gonna Do For The Rest Of Your Life?"
After attempting to impress her by boasting about the size of his cucumber and suggesting the sensuality of vegetables, Otter hilariously discovers that she is actually Dean Wormer's wife. Surprisingly, he doesn't retreat from the challenge but rather fully embraces it, resulting in the creation of this iconic Animal House quote.
Katy (Karen Allen)
Unable to convince the unruly boys of Delta Tau Chi to change their ways, not even girls could sway them. This became clear when Katy attempted to reason with her boyfriend Donald "Boon" Schoenstein. Realizing that he was too preoccupied with drinking and partying to prioritize anything else, she ultimately confronted him during a party.
Questioning whether this was his intended future, spending his days with friends and getting intoxicated every weekend, he reluctantly admitted that it wasn't part of his plan. Instead, he confessed that he intended to continue the nightly drinking habit even after graduation. As a likable and intelligent girlfriend, Katy reveals the immaturity of the Delta guys as Boon loses an exceptional partner.
15. "They Confiscated Everything, Even The Stuff We Didn’t Steal!"
Hoover (James Widdoes)
When Faber College's faculty took action against Delta Tau Chi, they dispatched individuals to seize all belongings from their residence. This move was a deliberate effort to expel each member of the fraternity. Hoover, taken aback, exclaimed that they had confiscated everything, "even the items we hadn't pilfered."
14. “Put A Sock In It, Boy, Or Else You’ll Be Outta Here Like S*** Through A Goose.”
However, even Hoover, who is generally considered the most responsible member of Delta House, is furious at the disrespect they have displayed. It is also alarming that they have stolen numerous items, making this Animal House quote from James Widdoes incredibly amusing. Once again, it highlights the distorted moral compasses of some Delta Tau Chai fraternity members.
Dean Wormer (John Vernon)
Dean Wormer is the ideal comedic villain in Animal House, matching the outrageousness of the Delta House boys. However, unlike their wild partying ways, Wormer is devoid of humor and a malicious disciplinarian who delights in intimidating any student who challenges him. Portrayed brilliantly by John Vernon, he delivers some of the most memorable quotes in Animal House that don't come from the members of Delta Tau Chai.
When faced with Otter stating, "What a tool," in front of him, Wormer demands clarification. Otter quickly fabricates his words, saying, "What a shame that a few troublemakers have to ruin the fun for everyone by disobeying the rules." Unimpressed by Otter's attempts at evasion, Wormer retorts with a warning so impactful it momentarily silences Otter.
13. “I Find Milton Probably As Boring As You Find Milton.”
Professor Jennings (Donald Sutherland)
Donald Sutherland's illustrious film career is brimming with timeless classics, and his appearance in Animal House only solidified his status as one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood. In his role as Professor Jennings, Sutherland expertly showcases his comedic prowess, delivering unforgettable lines that have become ingrained in the fabric of the movie. Professor Jennings serves as the comedic catalyst, garnering laughter with his indifference towards the lectures he delivers, mirroring the students' nonchalant attitude.
As he shares with his students, he refuses to feign enthusiasm for Milton. This genuine admission comes as a pleasant surprise, undoubtedly something many viewers would hope to hear from their own college professor. Yet, despite dismissing the class following his remark, Jennings makes an effort to emphasize to the disinterested students that this does not exempt them from completing their assignments, adding, "I'm serious, this is my job."
12. “I’m A Zit! Get It?”
Bluto (John Belushi)
Animal House, deemed one of the most hilarious gross-out comedies ever, fully embraces the debauchery of its main characters, particularly Bluto. The iconic John Belushi flawlessly portrays Bluto, who has become synonymous with funny Animal House quotes and unforgettable scenes. Among his notable moments, Bluto stands out when he accumulates a mountain of food on his tray in the cafeteria, repulsing those around him with his repugnant eating habits.
Demonstrating his resilience to mockery, Bluto fearlessly joins the uptight Omega House students who proceed to derogatorily label him as a pig. Unfazed, Bluto challenges them to guess his current state, subsequently stuffing his mouth with mashed potatoes and spitting them out, proclaiming, "I'm a zit! Get it?"
11. “If You Mention Extortion Again, I’ll Have Your Legs Broken.”
Mayor Carmine DePasto (Cesare Danova)
In a unique scenario where none of the students feature, Dean Wormer engages in a meeting with the town mayor to deliberate on the upcoming college parade. Expressing his disagreement, Wormer contends that it is unjust to coerce the school, while the mayor highlights the financial burden of the parade and the various complimentary services the school receives.
10. “You’re All Worthless And Weak!”
However, his threat of physical violence if extortion is mentioned again raises doubts about his honesty as a mayor. This quote, reminiscent of a line from The Godfather, not only sounds like it's taken out of a movie but also reveals a rare moment of vulnerability for Wormer, who is typically shown as the one in control. Its inclusion in the narrative is gratifying.
Neidermeyer (Mark Metcalf)
Among the many antagonistic characters in Animal House, none are more sadistic than Neidermeyer. Portrayed by Mark Metcalf, Neidermeyer's exaggerated military persona results in some memorable and comical quotes within the film.
Neidermeyer is not a character one would aspire to emulate, as he is depicted reprimanding new cadets at the college. However, considering the erratic behavior of the main characters, it is not difficult to understand the source of his frustration. This outburst, while unsettling, is certainly unforgettable.
9. “Was It Over When the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No!”
Bluto (John Belushi)
Some of the most hilarious quotes from Animal House are derived from the realization that the wild party-loving Delta fraternity members are actually enrolled at Faber College to pursue an education, even though many of them are clearly deficient in this area. Despite spending an academic career on campus that far exceeds the average college student's timeline, it's evident that Bluto could greatly benefit from acquiring knowledge about WWII.
Bluto: What? It's over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we determine it! Was it over when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor? Absolutely not!
It is not over yet, because when the situation becomes challenging, the resilient take action. Who is on board? Let's go! Come on!...[He heads towards the front door, but nobody follows him.]
Bluto [returning]: What happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the energy? Where's the courage? This could be the best night of our lives, but you're going to let it be the worst. 'Oh, we're scared to join you, Bluto, we might get into trouble.' (shouting) Well, I don't care anymore! As for me, I refuse to accept this. Wormer, he's as good as dead! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...
Otter: Dead! Bluto is right. Insane, but absolutely right. We need to stand up against these jerks. Now, we could fight them using traditional methods. It could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this situation, I believe we have to go all out. I believe this situation calls for a completely pointless and foolish action to be taken by someone. We're the perfect candidates...LET'S DO IT!
While attempting to motivate the discouraged frat brothers, Bluto's passion is somewhat hindered by his inaccuracies, exclaiming, "What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" Ultimately, his rallying speech became one of the most hilarious monologues in movie history.
8. “I Think That This Situation Absolutely Requires A Really Futile And Stupid Gesture Be Done On Somebody’s Part.”
Otter (Tim Matheson)
The quote from Animal House became so memorable that it became the title of the Netflix biopic, A Futile and Stupid Gesture, which is based on the life of Doug Kenney. Doug Kenney was one of the co-founders of National Lampoon and co-writers of Animal House. His hilarious monologue about how the Delta Tau Chai frat boys should retaliate against their adversaries has become iconic.
Otter acknowledges that they are the underdogs in this situation. Despite facing more powerful opponents, they have the advantage because they are willing to do the most outrageous things imaginable. As Otter states, the circumstances call for incredibly reckless and dangerous decision-making, which is precisely what Delta Tau Chai excels at.
7. “My Advice to You Is To Start Drinking Heavily.”
Bluto (John Belushi)
As an original cast member of Saturday Night Live, John Belushi made a memorable entrance into Animal House with his iconic portrayal of Bluto. His performance as this larger-than-life character has solidified his place as one of the most legendary party animals in the history of cinema. This particular quote from Animal House perfectly encapsulates the essence of Bluto's personality, the overall perspective of the movie, and its underlying themes.
Most of their troubles arise from their wild party antics, yet they remain unswervingly devoted to their carefree existence, even in the face of adversity. This quote from Bluto Animal House swiftly exposes the character's essence and his outlook on life.
6. “As of This Moment, They’re on Double Secret Probation!”
Dean Wormer (John Vernon)
Dean Wormer, a comedic representation of a college dean, has understandable animosity towards the Delta Tau Chai fraternity given the nature of his job. Most college deans' distaste for fun stems from their desire to prevent hazing scandals and alcohol/drug-related deaths on campus. Dean Wormer is an exaggerated portrayal of this sentiment.
Although he presents himself as a no-nonsense authority figure who will discipline unruly students, his creation of "double secret probation" implies that he is just as immature as they are, but fails to see it in himself. The inclusion of the Animal House quote adds an additional layer of humor to the tension between Wormer and the Delta Tau frat boys, showcasing that actor John Vernon brings comedic moments beyond the students in this college comedy.
5. “Christ. Seven Years of College Down the Drain. Might as Well Join the F**king Peace Corps.”
Bluto (John Belushi)
John “Bluto” Blutarsky embodies the quintessential frat boy persona – an indifferent scholar who attends college solely for the vibrant party scene, opting out of lectures and earning mediocre grades, while surpassing others in alcohol consumption. Notably, his unpredictability and boundless amusement make him a cherished companion, despite the reluctance to address his challenges.
4. “Food Fight!”
Bluto experiences a sudden change in attitude when faced with the prospect of being expelled from school. The fact that he has already spent seven years in education adds an extra layer of humor to the situation, which is further intensified by the revelation that he ultimately becomes a senator.
Bluto (John Belushi)
The food fight scene in Animal House is crude, raucous, and juvenile – yet undeniably hysterical. While food fight scenes have become somewhat cliché in school-themed films and TV shows, it's difficult to dispute that John Belushi elevates this version to iconic status.
In this scene, a couple of rival Frat members pursue Bluto, played by John Belushi, through the cafeteria until he ultimately instigates a massive food fight, successfully diverting their attention and enabling his escape. This sequence serves as one of the most comical moments in any National Lampoon film.
3. “Boon, I Anticipate A Deeply Religious Experience.”
Otter (Tim Matheson)
Otter exudes an air of sophistication, which can be quite captivating despite its discernible artificiality. This is particularly evident when deliberating the prospect of rendezvousing with an enchanting young lady for the evening. While Boon approaches the situation in a cruder manner, Otter envisions a positive outcome, harboring high expectations for his encounter with Marlene. To him, this forthcoming meeting holds the potential to transcend the ordinary and become a deeply meaningful experience for Marlene.
2. “Fat, Drunk, And Stupid Is No Way To Go Through Life, Son.”
The humor in this Animal House quote amplifies as Otter's attempt to secure a follow-up date with Marlene unfolds. Marlene effortlessly shatters Otter's seemingly impenetrable arrogance by implying that he simply didn't measure up.
Dean Wormer (John Vernon)
Dean Wormer's pinnacle moment in Animal House occurs when he confronts numerous Delta House members regarding their woeful grades, which span from dreadful to non-existent. Nevertheless, the most comical moment arises when he addresses Flounder's laughably subpar academic performance.
Wormer briefly abandons his malicious demeanor to seemingly offer what appears to be constructive guidance. However, the supportive tone contradicts the harsh and offensive language he employs, hinting that Wormer lacks the prowess of a proficient educator capable of motivating students.
1. “Toga! Toga! Toga!”
Bluto (John Belushi)
The toga party is a popular tradition at colleges worldwide, but it gained legendary status through its portrayal in the iconic movie Animal House and the infamous toga chant. As the members of the Delta Tau Chai fraternity decide to host a toga party at their frat house, they enthusiastically initiate the familiar chant, "Toga! Toga! Toga!" Each participant understands the significance of this rallying cry and shares an equal level of excitement.
The infectious energy of the moment is simply captivating, making it not only one of the most memorable quotes from the movie but also responsible for the widespread popularity of toga parties in colleges worldwide. It perfectly exemplifies the film's ability to create a party-like atmosphere. The fact that the chant continues to be heard at college parties today is a testament to the immense influence of Animal House and its highly quotable moments.
Animal House
Release Date: July 28, 1978
Director: John Landis
Cast: Peter Riegert, Tom Hulce, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Donald Sutherland, John Belushi
Rating: R
Genres: Comedy
Writers: Harold Ramis, Chris Miller, Douglas Kenney
Studio(s): Universal Pictures
Editor's P/S
Animal House is a classic comedy that has stood the test of time. The movie is full of memorable quotes, and it's easy to see why it has become a cult classic.
One of the things that makes Animal House so funny is its willingness to push the boundaries of good taste. The movie is full of raunchy humor, and it's not afraid to make fun of sacred cows. This irreverent attitude is part of what makes the movie so appealing to audiences.
Another thing that makes Animal House so funny is its cast of characters. The Delta Tau Chi fraternity brothers are all unique and memorable, and they play off each other perfectly. John Belushi is particularly hilarious as Bluto, the larger-than-life leader of the pack.