15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

Explosive Voyager callbacks await in Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2! Brace for thrilling reunions, shocking returns, and a mysterious loss that entangles the USS Voyager-A Get ready for an exhilarating journey beyond expectations!


Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 will see Admiral Janeway lead a rescue mission into a temporal anomaly to locate Captain Chakotay and bring him back to the 24th century.

The show should introduce a highly developed version of Voyager's Delta Flyer, which is widely utilized by Starfleet following a successful testing phase.

Prodigy should uncover the revival of Voyager's Pathfinder Project, aimed at establishing communications with the parallel 25th century.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is set to bring back the beloved character, Doctor (Robert Picardo), from Star Trek: Voyager, as well as introduce the USS Voyager-A's maiden voyage. However, the callbacks don't stop there. Taking place shortly after the events of season 1, Prodigy season 2 follows Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) as she leads her young team on a mission to rescue Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) from a temporal anomaly and bring him back to the 24th century. To accomplish this, Janeway and the Voyager-A crew must venture into an unknown future, reminiscent of the historic rescue mission that originally propelled them into the uncharted Delta Quadrant.

Given the numerous references to Star Trek: Voyager in season 1 of Prodigy, it is anticipated that season 2 will continue this trend. Despite some positive updates, the fate of Star Trek: Prodigy remains uncertain after its sudden removal from the lineup of upcoming Paramount+ titles. However, there is a strong desire for the show's return, with hopes that it will soon find a new streaming platform where it can continue to explore the journey of the Voyager crew after their homecoming to the Alpha Quadrant.

10 Star Trek: Prodigy Should Update Voyager's Delta Flyer

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

9 Star Trek's New Voyager Needs A New Pathfinder Project

The Delta Flyer, created by Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) in Star Trek: Voyager, was a technologically advanced Starfleet shuttle that combined Borg and Federation technology. It surpassed the average shuttle in size and comfort, featuring multiple workstations for ops staff. In a sneak peek from season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy, the shuttle showcased an expanded interior, complete with a conference table where the Doctor briefed Dal and the crew on their upcoming mission. This suggests that an upgraded version of the Delta Flyer may now be in widespread use by Starfleet, following a successful trial run in the Delta Quadrant.

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

The Starfleet Communications-led Pathfinder Project aimed to make contact with the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant, serving as a vital connection to their home despite not always transmitting positive information. In preparation for the USS Voyager-A's venture into the temporal anomaly, the crew would greatly benefit from establishing communication with present-day Starfleet. The upcoming series Star Trek: Prodigy may unveil the revival of the Pathfinder Project, now focused on establishing communications with the alternate 25th century. It is possible that the communication code embedded within Chakotay's distress signal has served as the foundation for the new Pathfinder in the second season of Prodigy.

8 Prodigy Should Give Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor His Name

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

Star Trek: Voyager never adequately resolved the Doctor's desire to be recognized as an individual and failed to assign him a proper name. Throughout its seven seasons, the Doctor experimented with several names such as Kenneth, Mozart, and even Joe in an alternate future depicted in Voyager. In Prodigy season 2, it is plausible that Voyager's Doctor may face a tragic situation due to the Federation's synthetic ban taking effect. By establishing the Doctor's name and, more importantly, solidifying his legal status as a sentient being, Star Trek: Prodigy has the potential to safeguard the EMH from the severe repercussions of the ban. Potential names for the Doctor could include Lewis, as a tribute to his creator Lewis Zimmerman, or Doc, as it was the affectionate nickname given to him by his friends aboard the USS Voyager.

7 The Return Of Arachnia, The Bride Of Chaotica

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

Having previously portrayed an antagonistic version of Janeway in Star Trek: Prodigy season 1, wherein her holographic representation was corrupted by the Diviner, Kate Mulgrew may have the opportunity to embrace this darker side once again. This time, it could occur if the holodeck of the USS Voyager-A incorporates Tom Paris' Captain Proton holonovels. In the iconic Star Trek: Voyager episode "Bride of Chaotica," Captain Janeway was compelled to convincingly assume the role of the villainous Arachnia. She did so to establish communication with an alien race that genuinely believed the 1950s B-movie world to be their reality. In Prodigy season 2, the character Dal might stumble upon Captain Proton within the holodeck of Voyager-A, inadvertently unleashing the formidable Arachnia upon the unsuspecting crew.

6 Harry Kim's Long-Awaited Star Trek Promotion

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

5 Q's Son Returns To Test Star Trek: Prodigy's Dal

: It is high time for Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) to receive a well-deserved promotion in season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy. Among Star Trek enthusiasts, the constant absence of a promotion for Harry Kim on Voyager has become a running joke. However, the moment has arrived to grant him a few additional pips on his collar. Considering Janeway's enduring fondness for Harry, it would be the perfect scenario if the newly promoted Commander Harry Kim were to serve as her second-in-command on the USS Voyager-A. Though the leap from Ensign to Commander is significant, it is possible that Kim's career has flourished more in the past five years than it did during his seven years in the Delta Quadrant.

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

Star Trek: Prodigy could greatly benefit from the inclusion of Admiral Janeway's godson, Q Junior (Keegan de Lancie). The character's quest to find his place and gain acceptance within the Q Continuum mirrors Dal R'El's (Brett Gray) own struggles to be recognized by Starfleet. In Prodigy, Dal could serve as the Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) to Q Junior's Q (John de Lancie), allowing the animated series to explore the fascinating possibilities of the Q's reality-bending abilities. It would be intriguing if Q Junior, feeling neglected due to his godmother's focus on her young Starfleet protégés, makes an appearance on the Voyager-A to assess Dal's worthiness.

4 The Return Of Star Trek: Voyager's Species 8472

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

Species 8472 might make an appearance in season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy, since an animated series would provide the ideal platform for featuring the most extraterrestrial adversary that the Voyager crew ever encountered. They were previously observed using a replica Starfleet Academy as a strategic base for a potential invasion. It is plausible that Dal and the crew might stumble upon the replica accidentally, only to discover it to be more inviting than the actual Starfleet Academy. Although Janeway successfully brokered peace with Species 8472, the increased presence of Starfleet in the Delta Quadrant may have prompted the aliens to reassess their previous judgment that the Federation posed no threat.

3 Prodigy's Jankom Pog VS. Voyager's B'Elanna Torres

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

It was revealed earlier that in the first season of Star Trek: Prodigy, Lt. B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) from Star Trek: Voyager played a crucial role in the construction of the ship commanded by Janeway. Hence, it wouldn't be surprising if Torres becomes the Chief Engineer aboard the USS Voyager-A in Prodigy's second season. The idea of the highly organized Torres sharing scenes with the chaotic yet incredibly self-assured Jankom Pog (Jason Mantzoukas) is quite intriguing. Given their propensity for quick temper but exceptional expertise in their respective roles, Jankom and Torres make an unexpected but potentially hilarious comedic duo. So, it is our hope that B'Elanna will join Janeway in the mission to rescue her former Maquis commander, Chakotay.

2 Seven Of Nine Should Get Her Janeway Reunion In Star Trek: Prodigy

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

The dynamic between Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) captivated audiences throughout Star Trek: Voyager. Now that Star Trek: Picard has concluded, there is a possibility for a guest appearance by Seven in the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy. Building upon the storyline established in Picard, where Seven was prevented from joining Starfleet for more than ten years, Prodigy could showcase one of these early rejections. In this scenario, Starfleet denies Janeway's plea to have Seven serve as an officer on the USS Voyager-A. This development would fulfill the longstanding desire of Star Trek fans to witness the long-awaited reunion between Janeway and Seven, a reunion that has been anticipated since the first season of Picard.

1 The USS Voyager-A Gets Lost In Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

15 Mind-Blowing Voyager Callbacks Prodigy Season 2 Can't Miss!

Stranding the USS Voyager-A in the alternate 25th century would be the most significant nod to Star Trek: Voyager. The original mission to retrieve Chakotay and the Valjean crew led to Voyager's unexpected journey to the Delta Quadrant. Although repeating the same scenario would be unfortunate, it would intensify the danger for the crew as they would have to navigate a temporal anomaly to rescue Chakotay and find a way back. The potential for Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 to further the Voyager story is vast, and it is eagerly anticipated that the show will secure a new streaming platform in the near future.