10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

10 TV Characters Who Got The Ending They Deserved - Discover how these iconic TV characters met their fate, some finding redemption, success, or even tragedy Uncover the satisfying conclusions that left audiences satisfied and debating their ultimate destinies

Mentions of suicide and murder.

Article Overview

Some TV characters don't receive the ending they deserve, but there are a few who actually do. Kimmy Schmidt, Pacey Witter, and Tahani all have endings that align perfectly with their character growth. Across their respective shows, these characters achieve success and find genuine happiness, with Kimmy owning a restaurant and Pacey becoming an afterlife architect.

However, characters such as Ragnar Lothbrok, Roman Godfrey, Jax Teller, and Walter White all experienced tragic endings as a result of their actions and the consequences they faced.

There have been numerous instances in which TV characters received endings that were unfair or undeserved, but there are also cases in which they received precisely what they had coming to them. The primary characters in TV shows, regardless of genre, typically undergo personal journeys that alter their behavior, actions, and perspective on the world. Many of them are not the same individuals they were at the beginning of their respective shows. However, despite their success, every TV show carries the risk of not providing its characters with the endings they rightfully deserve. In many cases, the endings for the main characters of TV shows are unjust, whether they are overly positive or tragically negative. Yet, there are some instances where characters did receive their just desserts.

10. Kimmy Schmidt - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Some characters undergo significant character development over the course of their shows, leading them to deserve a different conclusion by the final season. However, it is important to acknowledge that not all of these conclusions are positive, as certain characters have committed heinous acts throughout their stories and must face the consequences. On the other hand, there are those who deserve happiness after navigating numerous challenges and triumphing over them, and fortunately, they are granted their well-deserved happy endings.

Kimmy Schmidt became a successful author.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Kimmy Schmidt (Ellie Kemper) emerged from a doomsday cult in the fictional town of Durnsville, Indiana which led to her eventual rescue. Consequently, the series revolves around her journey of acclimating to a life filled with various challenges and triumphs. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt provides a well-deserved happy ending for Kimmy, who endured numerous hardships. It is revealed that Kimmy, now prosperous, established Greenmulax World at Universal Studios, drawing inspiration from her own books. Additionally, she married Prince Frederick and liberated other captive women held by the Reverend.

9. Pacey Witter - Dawson’s Creek

Pacey Witter owned a restaurant & got back with Joey.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Behind Dawson’s Creek's Pacey Witter (portrayed by Joshua Jackson), there lay a troubled soul burdened with a plethora of distressing experiences. Pacey's tumultuous association with his abusive parents meant that he was always seen as the odd one out in his family. Consequently, finding his niche in the world proved to be an arduous endeavor for him. As Pacey's academic performance fell short of qualifying for college, he opted to seek employment after graduation, ultimately landing a job on boats and later at a restaurant. It was during his time in the kitchen that Pacey had an epiphany, realizing his true calling. By the conclusion of Dawson’s Creek, he triumphantly transformed into the proud owner of The Icehouse restaurant and reignited his romance with Joey.

8. Ragnar Lothbrok - Vikings

Ragnar Lothbrok was thrown into a pit of snakes.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Although he was the main character in the initial seasons of Vikings, Ragnar Lothbrok's lies and conflicts with other characters ultimately resulted in an unhappy ending for him. In the episode "All His Angels" of Vikings season 4, Ragnar Lothbrok met his demise. He was tortured by King Aelle, who cut a cross into his head, and then thrown into a pit of snakes. Ragnar did not receive a traditional Viking funeral. However, in season 6, when Lagertha passed away, it was revealed that Ragnar had made it to Valhalla. Ragnar himself recognized that he deserved to die due to the pain he had caused, and he embraced death when his time came.

7. Tahani - The Good Place

Tahani became an afterlife architect.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

The Good Place offered satisfying conclusions for its main characters, with Tahani’s (Jameela Jamil) journey standing out. Originally a self-absorbed English philanthropist upon her arrival in the "good place," Tahani gradually acquired empathy and selflessness. Unlike her friends Eleanor, Chidi, and Jason, Tahani chose to remain in the Good Place for a bit longer. She dedicated herself to architecture, following Michael's example, and spent eternity assisting others in their personal growth, guiding them towards their place in the Good Place.

6. Roman Godfrey - Hemlock Grove

Roman Godfrey was killed by Peter.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Hemlock Grove introduced Roman Godfrey (Bill Skarsgård), the heir to the wealthy Godfrey family, and an "upir", a type of vampire. Throughout the three seasons of Hemlock Grove, Roman showcased moments of selflessness and benevolence. However, once he fully embraced his upir nature, he succumbed to his darkest impulses. In the concluding season of Hemlock Grove, Roman Godfrey committed numerous heinous acts driven primarily by his insatiable thirst for killing. The act that ultimately sealed his fate was the tragic demise of Destiny, Peter's cousin. In his werewolf form, Peter attacked his own friend, resulting in Roman's demise. In his final moments, Roman repented and pleaded with Peter to end his life as he refused to live as a monster.

5. Jax Teller - Sons of Anarchy

Jax Teller sacrificed himself.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Jax Teller's (Charlie Hunnam) descent began with the loss of his closest friend, Opie Winston, and only worsened when his wife, Tara Knowles, was killed. Blinded by his desire for vengeance and manipulated by his mother, Gemma, who was the true culprit behind Tara's murder, Jax engaged in a series of killings, targeting rival gangs and criminal organizations. However, it was the murder of Jury White, the president of the Sons of Anarchy Nevada charter, that ultimately sealed Jax's fate. In the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original (SAMCRO), the punishment for taking the life of another member is death, leading Jax to face the dreaded "Mr. Mayhem."

Jax's efforts in Sons of Anarchy's seventh season led to further complications for the club, despite his belief that he was acting in its best interest. However, after discovering the truth and realizing how he had been manipulated by his mother, he chose to embrace death and deliberately crashed his bike into a truck, mirroring the manner in which his father, J.T. Teller, had died.

4. Schmidt - New Girl

Schmidt became a stay-at-home dad.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

3. Leslie Knope - Parks & Recreation

When Jess and the audience first encountered Schmidt (Max Greenfield), he was known as the group's ladies' man, often displaying great confidence but also rudeness towards women. However, as Schmidt developed strong feelings for Cece, his character underwent significant growth in New Girl. He managed to overcome his insecurities and embraced his true self. Towards the end of the series, Schmidt transitioned from a workaholic to a devoted stay-at-home father, while Cece returned to the workforce. Surprisingly, this unconventional dynamic proved to be ideal for their family, despite its initial impossibility early on in the show.

Leslie Knope possibly became President of the United States.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

2. Phoebe Buffay - Friends

Leslie Knope had a remarkable journey in Parks & Recreation, achieving both personal and professional success. When season 7 commenced, Leslie held the position of Midwest Regional Parks Director. The series finale showcased flash-forwards that unveiled her continuous triumphs. She went on to serve as the Governor of Indiana for two terms, and the final flash-forward hinted at her realization of the long-held dream of becoming the President of the United States. While there is a possibility that her husband, Ben, assumed the presidency, it is widely accepted that Leslie ultimately achieved her ultimate aspiration.

Phoebe Buffay got the family she never had

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Among the main characters in Friends, Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) had the most tragic family history. Phoebe's biological mother made the difficult decision to give her and her twin sister to their father, Frank, and his partner, Lily, as they were involved in a polyamorous relationship and she felt unprepared to be a parent. Unfortunately, Frank ended up leaving Lily and the girls, and in later years, Phoebe's stepfather went to prison and Lily tragically took her own life.

Consequently, Phoebe found herself living on the streets during her teenage years until she eventually found a home with her grandmother. Throughout her life, Phoebe never truly had a traditional family, but she discovered a sense of belonging and support with her best friends. However, it was when she married Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd) that Phoebe finally experienced the loving and supportive family she had always longed for.

1. Walter White - Breaking Bad

Walter White was shot and killed.

10 TV Characters Who Got the Ending They Earned

Walter White (Bryan Cranston), despite his lack of virtuousness, is undeniably one of the most memorable characters in television history. As an antihero, he may not be the character we are supposed to cheer for, but his story is so captivating that viewers remain invested until the very end. By the conclusion of Breaking Bad, Walter White had caused more harm than good. After carrying out his final act of revenge, he found himself wounded by a ricocheting bullet. With Jesse gone, Walt was left alone to meet his demise in Jack's lab. Knowing that his family was now safe both physically and financially, and realizing that he would never have to face imprisonment, Walt peacefully passed away.

Editor's P/S

1. In the realm of TV shows, it is not uncommon for character endings to be met with controversy and debate. Some characters may receive undeservedly happy endings, while others may suffer tragic fates that seem unearned. However, there are instances where the endings given to certain characters feel perfectly aligned with their character growth and the events of the show. One such example is Kimmy Schmidt from the series "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt." After enduring unimaginable hardships, including being held captive in a doomsday cult, Kimmy emerges as a resilient and optimistic individual. The show concludes with Kimmy achieving great success and happiness, establishing her own business, and finding love. This ending feels well-deserved, as it reflects Kimmy's unwavering spirit and her ability to overcome adversity.

2. On the other hand, some characters meet tragic ends that are a direct result of their actions and choices. A notable example is Ragnar Lothbrok from the historical drama "Vikings." Ragnar's journey is marked by lies, betrayals, and conflicts with other characters, ultimately leading to his demise. In the episode "All His Angels," Ragnar is captured and subjected to gruesome torture before being thrown into a pit of snakes. While his death is undoubtedly tragic, it aligns with the consequences of his actions throughout the series. Ragnar acknowledges his own culpability and accepts his fate, recognizing that he has caused pain and suffering to others. In this way, Ragnar's ending, while heartbreaking, feels earned and consistent with the character's trajectory.