10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

Experience the chilling and disturbing endings of these TV shows as they take unexpected turns, leaving audiences shocked and questioning the meaning behind the characters' struggles From dark secrets to corrupt systems, these finales will leave you unsettled

Article Overview

The final episodes of a TV show hold immense power, capable of either propelling the series to greatness or causing its downfall, particularly when they explore somber and intense themes. These concluding moments become the iconic culmination, establishing the overarching atmosphere for the entire series.

Certain series finales become the center of controversy and remain ingrained in people's memories, provoking discussions that endure for years. Endings that are sudden or shift in tone can leave a profound and enduring impact, fueling intense debates among fans. Dark and unsettling conclusions may polarize audiences, yet they have the potential to convey significant messages. For instance, shows such as "Dinosaurs" utilize their finales to issue a cautionary tale about climate change, whereas others like "The Wire" spotlight the persistent presence of corruption within law enforcement.

Whether you love them or loathe them, every TV show must eventually reach its conclusion, and sometimes that conclusion takes a dark turn. Bid farewell to a beloved television series is never easy, but it is an inevitable part of the journey. How the writers and producers choose to wrap up a show speaks volumes about its essence, ultimately becoming the episode that lingers in the minds of audiences. The finale often becomes synonymous with the entire series, setting the tone and leaving a lasting impression. It has the power to make or break a show, especially if it already delves into dark and dramatic themes. Should a show opt for a happy conclusion, or delve deeper into the depths of darkness?

Many writers and showrunners challenge the idea of a fairytale ending, striving to prove that their shows possess the grit and edge to withstand the test of time. Even if the finale is abrupt or undergoes a sudden shift in tone, a memorable conclusion ensures that it becomes a topic of discussion for years to come. These shows may have ceased airing long ago, but they continue to fuel passionate debates among dedicated fans and casual viewers alike. Whether dark, disturbing, or simply perplexing, these series finales have left an indelible mark on television and their audiences.

10. How I Met Your Mother (2005 - 2014)

The mother was dead the whole time...

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

Fans were ecstatic when season 9 of How I Met Your Mother premiered. Finally, the long-awaited revelation of the mother's identity and the anticipation of witnessing the love story between Tracy (Cristin Milioti) and Ted (Josh Radnor) unfold. However, to the dismay of viewers, the show deviated from this promised narrative in its finale episode. In a controversial twist, it is unveiled that Tracy falls ill and tragically passes away in the future. Consequently, as Ted recounts this story to his children, their mother is already deceased. The disillusioning conclusion suggests that Ted's destiny lies with Robin (Cobie Smulders), to the astonishment of fans as it completely contradicts the show's established formula.

9. St. Elsewhere (1982 - 1988)

It provided a Shyamalan-like twist.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

In a twist reminiscent of M. Night Shyamalan's storytelling style, none of the events depicted were actually real. The roller-coaster ride experienced within the confines of the fictitious St. Elsewhere hospital was merely unfolding inside a child's snow globe. This revelation marked a sharp departure from the series' established style and tone, serving as an inspiration for the gritty, true-to-life dramas that now dominate the television landscape. It is quite remarkable that such intricately woven adult narratives and interpersonal conflicts were all products of an innocent imagination. However, this is precisely where the show concluded its storyline. The finale, which left viewers scratching their heads, has since become the subject of parody in numerous other shows, including the memorable conclusion of 30 Rock. Thus, St. Elsewhere is now better known for its perplexing ending rather than its actual content.

8. True Blood (2008 - 2014)

Some endings are disturbing because they're mundane.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

The conclusion of the True Blood series left many feeling unsatisfied. One controversial decision was the reversal of the established character development between Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Bill (Stephen Moyer), with Sookie being forced to kill him in order to pursue a family life. This shocking twist not only surprised long-time fans who had followed the show from the beginning, but also deviated from HBO's typical provocative and boundary-pushing style. Even the actors themselves expressed disappointment with the way True Blood wrapped up. Instead of embracing the sexual freedom and fluidity that the series had become known for, the finale primarily focused on characters settling down, getting married, or meeting their demise. All in all, it was a disappointing ending for a show that once boldly celebrated unconventional relationships and desires.

7. Game Of Thrones (2011 - 2019)

Dany's infuriating sudden hard swerve ended in her death.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

The final season of Game of Thrones has been widely criticized and despised by both fans and viewers. Many believe that the show would have greatly benefited from having another book to base its storyline upon. Once the TV series caught up with the books, the cohesiveness of the plot seemed to diminish. Game of Thrones season 8 has sparked numerous theories as to what went wrong. One unexpected twist was Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) becoming the ruler of the newly melted Iron Throne, a development that took viewers by surprise and was not anticipated.

The finale and final season of Game of Thrones has been universally despised by fans and viewers. It is a prime example of a show that would have greatly benefited from having another book to draw inspiration from. Once the creators ran out of source material, the coherent plotlines seemed to disappear.

Witnessing Dany's character arc deteriorate throughout the season, only to end in her death, was a devastating blow to those who had been supporters of her character from the beginning. Peter Dinklage's portrayal of Tyrion provided some stability and was a standout in the episode, but there were few other redeeming qualities. On a positive note, Sansa's ascent to Queen in the North was a small consolation.

6. Dinosaurs (1991 - 1995)

Secretly one of the darkest endings to a show.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

Dinosaurs, a beloved family show produced by the Jim Henson company, followed the lives of a dinosaur family portrayed as relatable sitcom characters. The show's finale sparked controversy as it not only depicted the family's demise but also the destruction of the entire planet, reminiscent of the fate that befell the real dinosaurs. This unexpected ending, aiming to raise awareness about the impact of climate change, diverged from the typically family-friendly and lighthearted nature of the series. While some fans were divided by the choice to conclude the show with the loss of characters they had come to know and love, the creators intended to deliver a final message about the importance of preserving the earth and its environment.

5. Lost (2004 - 2012)

What was the point of their struggles?

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

Although showrunner David Lindelof has debunked the theory that "everybody was dead the whole time" in Lost, the truth is that by the end of the series, everyone was indeed deceased. Witnessing Jack (Matthew Fox) slowly bleeding out on the ground caused immense trauma, but his reunion with the remaining cast, whom he had witnessed perish one by one throughout the show, evokes a sense of unease rather than a purely bittersweet emotion.

4. 13 Reasons Why (2017 - 2020)

Opting to withhold any explanation for the ongoing events throughout the entire series, and instead leaving the audience in speculation about the fate of the characters now that they have converged in purgatory, Lost concludes with a dissatisfying ending for a show that initially held great potential. Even to this day, there are aspects of Lost that remain a mystery to its co-creators.

The show didn't do right by Clay.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

3. The Sopranos (1999 - 2007)

Clay's journey in 13 Reasons Why doesn't end on a high note. Instead, it takes an unexpected turn as he heads off to college to embark on a new chapter of his life. The show's decision to end on a somewhat lackluster and potentially insensitive note raises eyebrows, especially considering its handling of highly sensitive subjects. Throughout a dark season that depicted Clay's deteriorating mental health, neglecting to address his trauma feels even darker than allowing him to wallow in it, and ultimately grow from his experiences.

Death is coming for Tony, one way or the other.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

2. Breaking Bad (2008 - 2013)

One of the most renowned and contentious conclusions in television history, The Sopranos leaves ample room for individual interpretation, despite numerous fans firmly believing they have it all figured out. While some argue that there are hints indicating Tony's demise on The Sopranos, the abrupt cut to black offers little certainty. Whether or not his ultimate fate in the finale can be definitively accepted, viewers understand that his demise is inevitable in some form. Given all that Tony does throughout the series, including his own killings, his destiny evokes conflicting emotions among fans of the show.

2. Breaking Bad (2008 - 2013)

Walter White never did it for his family.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

The series finale of Breaking Bad, "Felina," not only left viewers satisfied but also highlighted Walter White (Bryan Cranston) as one of the most notorious anti-heroes on television. However, well before this episode, audiences had already lost their sympathy for him. In this particular episode, he saves Jesse (Aaron Paul) from the neo-Nazis, but he also reveals to his wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) that he didn't start manufacturing methamphetamine for the sake of his family.

Instead, he built his criminal empire purely for his personal enjoyment and the sense of power it gave him. Walter has always been self-centered, and given another opportunity, he would have made the same choices. This admission is a somber reflection from a character responsible for a great deal of anguish and misery, but it serves as a fitting conclusion to a dark and bleak show.

1. The Wire (2002 - 2008)

Corruption in law enforcement will never change.

10 Most Disturbing TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked

The Wire is widely regarded as one of the most groundbreaking television shows ever created. Even after 15 years since its debut, the finale of The Wire remains as devastating as ever. With a consistent message, the show reinforces the notion that crime and corruption are inescapable and unchanging. As part of the series' conclusion, detectives McNulty (played by Dominic West) and Freamon (played by Clarke Peters) find themselves exposed while fabricating a fictitious serial killer in order to secure funding for their department.

The show's ending was dark and devoid of hope, intentionally designed to ensure that no one would find it enjoyable. Although perfectly aligned with the overall tone, it was still disheartening. David Simon, the creator of the series, expressed no feelings of guilt or sorrow about concluding the show in this manner, as he had always intended to tell this particular story. To further explore the themes explored in The Wire, Simon has embarked on a new series in 2022 called We Own This City.

Editor's P/S

1. As a fan, I have mixed feelings about the list of most disturbing TV show finales. On the one hand, I appreciate the fact that these shows are willing to take risks and push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable. On the other hand, some of these finales are so disturbing that they can be difficult to watch.

2. I think it is important to remember that these shows are not meant to be taken literally. They are works of fiction, and they are meant to entertain us. However, I also believe that these shows can have a profound impact on us. They can make us think about important issues, and they can challenge our beliefs. I think that is a good thing.