10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

Discover how How I Met Your Father sets itself apart from HIMYM with a stronger female perspective, a diverse cast, a focus on modern dating in the 2020s, and intriguing differences in character development and storytelling

In 2022, Hulu released How I Met Your Father, a spinoff of CBS's popular sitcom How I Met Your Mother. While both series share a common setting and theme, they also differ in many aspects. How I Met Your Mother, which premiered in 2005, follows the story of Ted, a romantic individual who narrates to his children in 2030 the story of how he met their mother. The show received widespread acclaim over its nine seasons and became well-known for its beloved group of friends, recurring jokes, and polarizing series finale.

First and foremost, How I Met Your Father is confirmed as a spinoff of How I Met Your Mother. Both shows exist within the same universe and touch upon similar themes of love, dating, and friendship. Interestingly, the apartment previously inhabited by Ted and Marshall in the original series now serves as the residence for Jesse and Sid in the spinoff. However, there are distinct differences that set How I Met Your Father apart and establish its unique identity. These changes reflect the shift in times and contribute to the intriguing new mystery surrounding Sophie's romantic interest.

7 How I Met Your Father Has A Stronger Female Perspective

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

6 How I Met Your Father Offers A More Diverse Cast

The main difference between How I Met Your Father and How I Met Your Mother lies in the enhanced female perspective it offers. While How I Met Your Mother has its own fan base, it hasn't aged gracefully upon reflection. Ted's romantic encounters predominantly consisted of shallow relationships, with little exploration or depth. Additionally, Barney's womanizing character did not contribute positively to female representation. On the contrary, How I Met Your Father not only puts a woman at the forefront, but also delves deeper into her experiences and those of other female characters. Even Sophie's male love interests receive more substantial development. Thus, the series ensures more well-rounded portrayals for all its characters.

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

The diversity in How I Met Your Father is a major change compared to its predecessor, How I Met Your Mother. In the original show, all the characters were white and heterosexual, despite being lovable. Their experiences followed similar paths. However, in How I Met Your Father, the cast introduces a Latinx woman, an Indian man, and an openly lesbian woman. These new additions bring a more dynamic feeling to the show, as each character possesses a distinct life experience. Notably, the lesbian character, Ellen, provides a perspective on dating that was never explored in How I Met Your Mother.

5 How I Met Your Father Shows Future Sophie But Not Her Son

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

Like the popular TV show "How I Met Your Mother," "How I Met Your Father" also incorporates flash forwards where Sophie recounts the tale of how she met her son's father. However, this series introduces subtle modifications. While HIMYM primarily features Ted's children with only his voiceover (narrated by Bob Saget) in the background, "How I Met Your Father" shifts the focus solely onto Sophie, portrayed by Kim Cattrall. Interestingly, Sophie's son remains unseen in these scenes, maintaining a sense of mystery around his identity and the identity of his father. This alteration not only places a greater emphasis on Sophie but also intensifies the enigma surrounding her future spouse, making it more challenging to unravel.

4 How I Met Your Father's Friend Group Isn't Preexisting

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

Contrasting the two series, the formation of friend groups differs significantly. In How I Met Your Mother, the core cast comprising Ted, Marshall, Lily, and Barney are already established friends from the beginning. The pilot introduces Robin as the fifth and final member. In contrast, How I Met Your Father's cast embarks on a journey to develop chemistry. Sophie and Valentina, along with Jesse and Sid, initially meet when Jesse becomes Sophie's Uber driver. Gradually, Charlie enters the fold as Valentina's boyfriend, followed by Ellen, who becomes Jesse's sister. Thus, unlike HIMYM, the camaraderie within the friend group in HIMYF must evolve over time rather than being preexisting.

3 The Father Is Someone The Audience Has Met Before

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

Throughout How I Met Your Mother, the mother's identity remains a closely guarded secret. However, it eventually becomes evident that she is not a regular character like Robin or Lily. How I Met Your Father, on the other hand, does not follow this same pattern. In fact, the show suggests that the mother is someone Sophie already knows, maneuvering in a way that conceals her son and implies even the slightest clue could reveal her identity. Thus, the two series diverge in this aspect. How I Met Your Father places suspicion on any man Sophie encounters, be it a friend or a stranger, while How I Met Your Mother provided only vague hints about who the mother would not be.

2 How I Met Your Father Has More HIMYM References Than Original Gags

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

With only two seasons under its belt, this dissimilarity is definitely subject to modification. However, as of now, instead of original gags, How I Met Your Father relies on HIMYM cameos and references. HIMYM was well-known for its enduring comedic moments like "legen- wait for it -dary," but How I Met Your Father has yet to discover those kinds of jokes. Instead, the series chooses to pay homage to its predecessor through various callbacks including appearances by Robin and Barney, and a mention of the Captain and his wife. Hopefully, as the series progresses, it will be able to establish its own unique humorous elements that will define the show.

1 How I Met Your Father Deals With Modern Dating In The 2020s

10 Mind-Blowing Reasons How I Met Your Father Breaks Away from HIMYM

The time difference between How I Met Your Mother and How I Met Your Father is a significant factor that sets them apart. With a gap of seventeen years between their respective beginnings, the characters lead different lives and experience romance in distinct ways. How I Met Your Father explores the complexities of modern dating through platforms like Tinder, while How I Met Your Mother adopts a more traditional approach to love and relationships. Both shows touch on grand romantic gestures and the concept of destiny, but How I Met Your Father stays rooted in its contemporary setting and how it shapes the dating scene. Despite being a clear spinoff, How I Met Your Father introduces new and captivating elements that enhance the original series. It is a creative and successful spinoff that hopefully continues to evolve in its third season.