10 Jaw-Dropping TV Storylines That Will Leave You Begging for Answers
Delve into the captivating world of TV's enigmatic storylines that add an intriguing layer of depth Explore the mystery behind these 10 ambiguous tales that leave us pondering their ultimate resolutions
Ambiguous endings can add to the complexity and interest of a TV show, frustrating fans but also allowing for more complex storytelling and emotional resonance.
Ambiguity can be effectively utilized in shows featuring morally gray characters and dark mysteries, enhancing the feeling of impending doom and captivating the audience.
Ambiguous conclusions grant viewers the freedom to interpret and embrace the show in their own manner, fostering a sense of liberation and encouraging ongoing speculation and discussion.
When executed well, an ambiguous storyline in a TV show can enhance its complexity and intrigue, even though it may initially frustrate viewers. The unresolved plot lines of prematurely canceled shows like My Name is Earl or Veronica Mars continue to leave fans in the dark about the fate of their beloved characters, despite the potential for further storytelling. Paradoxically, this frustration can serve as a foundation for writers to explore deeper narratives and evoke unique emotions in their audience, turning an unsatisfying ending into something strangely satisfying.
In television shows featuring morally ambiguous characters and dark mysteries, an ambiguous plot point can intensify the sense of foreboding and enigma surrounding these individuals. Simultaneously, such ambiguity can lend a bittersweet touch to an ending, allowing the audience the freedom to imagine what lies beyond. These shows skillfully employ ambiguity as a powerful tool, leading us to cherish certain unresolved plot points.
10 The Ending Of Lost
9 VM Varga's Fate In Fargo
Lost garnered criticism for its abundance of unresolved mysteries and a conclusion that lacked clarity. Although it was these mysteries that captivated fans initially, the true essence of the show lay in its characters, who ultimately received a satisfactory resolution in the ending. While many lingering questions about the island remained unanswered by the series' conclusion, addressing them would have come at the expense of powerful character development and a deeply resonant finale, unbound by rigid conventions.
Despite its ups and downs, Fargo's third season stands out as a pinnacle for the series. By its conclusion, the fate of the nefarious VM Varga, portrayed by David Thewilis, remains intentionally ambiguous. While this may appear unsatisfying in most crime dramas, it is remarkably apt for the Fargo universe. The lingering enigma not only amplifies Varga's menace as a antagonist but also aligns with the dark humor prevalent in both the Coen Brothers' filmmaking style and the original Fargo movie, where deliberate ambiguity played a significant role in crafting the narrative.
8 BoJack & Diane's Friendship In BoJack Horseman
Character-driven comedies often struggle with satisfying endings because there isn't typically one main storyline to wrap up. Instead, the writers must find a natural way to conclude each character's personal journey. BoJack Horseman's intriguing finale successfully tied up various plot points and character arcs while conveying the idea that life doesn't simply end for these characters; they will continue to grow and evolve. In the closing moments of the episode, BoJack and Diane have an awkward conversation on the rooftop, gazing into the stars. It remains uncertain whether this signifies a final goodbye or if they will cross paths in the future, just as they have throughout the past six seasons. This beautifully ambiguous ending challenges the notion of definitive conclusions, perfectly complementing the show's ability to balance humor and depth by embracing the complexities of life.
7 Kino's Fate In Andor
In Star Wars, no one ever truly disappears. Characters frequently return and rise from the dead to offer guidance and satisfy fans. This aspect adds to the intrigue surrounding Kino Loy's uncertain fate in Andor. While rebelling against his captors, Kino openly reveals his inability to swim and chooses to remain behind while his companions escape. This poignant decision beautifully illustrates the sacrifices made during a revolution and highlights the individuals who are left behind. Although it appears that Kino will be featured in Andor season 2, it would be ideal if his involvement is limited to a flashback, preserving the complexity and impact of his character development.
6 Why Don was smiling in Mad Men
The ending of Mad Men has sparked continuous debate among viewers for nearly a decade. During a retreat, Don Draper displays a subtle, knowing smile, and the screen abruptly fades to black. The significance of Don's smile remains open to interpretation, whether it signifies inner peace attained, the conception of the most extraordinary advertisement ever, a combination of both, or something entirely different. While definitive answers may never surface, this enigmatic conclusion permits viewers to perceive and embrace the show in their own unique ways. Mad Men exhibited astute storytelling, never imposing its message upon its audience, making this concluding sequence the ideal choice.
5 The Ending Of The Leftovers
4 Did Logan Cross Out Kendall's Name In Succession
Similarly to his previous show Lost, Damon Lindelof's The Leftovers was a captivating sci-fi mystery that placed a higher importance on its characters' emotional journeys rather than providing concrete explanations. While Lost concluded with a satisfying ending, The Leftovers took it a step further by embracing ambiguity and leaving the audience with more questions than answers, but in a truly compelling manner. By offering logical explanations for the extraordinary occurrences following The Departure, the faith of both the characters and the viewers is brought into doubt. Ultimately, the reactions of the characters to these enigmatic events proved to be more significant than the intricacies behind them.
The final season of Succession executed an extraordinary portrayal of granting each character a gratifying, albeit heart-wrenching, conclusion. The uncertainty surrounding Logan's written directive under Kendall's name in his Will inflicted a devastating fate upon Kendall. He will forever remain oblivious whether his father insisted he take charge or if he reconsidered and stricken it out. Although Showrunner Jesse Armstrong has unveiled the resolution to this enigma, the show itself remains devoid of any evidence supporting either contention. Both Kendall and the audience will never attain certitude due to Logan's demise, which exacerbates the tragedy of his demise and Kendall's descent from grace.
3 If Kim Ever Saw Jimmy Again In Better Call Saul
Despite being a prequel that resolved numerous unanswered questions from Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul refrained from excessively explaining its storyline and allowed its characters to speak for themselves. This is especially evident in the show's finale when Kim visits Jimmy in prison after he sacrifices his reduced sentence to seek redemption for his wrongdoings and demonstrate his love for her. With only a few words exchanged, the future of both characters remains uncertain. However, this ambiguity is inconsequential because they can share a final cigarette and embrace their true identities. Anything beyond this moment is superfluous.
2 The End Of The Sopranos
The Sopranos gained notoriety for its abrupt cut to black during a scene. Whether it was Tony's daughter, a hitman, or a complete stranger entering the diner, the ambiguity of the ending proved to be the most fitting conclusion to the series. Regardless of who walked through those doors, Tony will forever live in fear, constantly watching his back. His life hangs in the balance, and it could be snuffed out in an instant or stretch out for decades. This is the reality he now faces.
1 Where Coop Is At The End Of Twin Peaks Season 3
Initially canceled after its second season, Twin Peaks concluded with a suspenseful unresolved cliffhanger that left fans waiting for 25 years for closure. Season 3 finally addressed most of the lingering questions in a typical Lynchian manner; however, it also introduced new perplexing storylines and left the interpretation open for viewers. Despite a perceived triumph, Dale Cooper decides to alter the course of events by traveling back in time to rescue Laura Palmer. Although a version of Laura now exists, the world has drastically transformed, and an unfamiliar individual resides in the Palmer residence.
By tampering with the fabric of time, Cooper inadvertently shatters the reality he once knew, immersing himself in a gloomier and less optimistic realm. Twin Peaks Season 3 embodies David Lynch's inclination towards darkness, surpassing even his prior works, making the grim and uncertain ending befitting of the series. After a quarter-century of clamoring for answers, fans finally receive them, albeit at the expense of much more, reinforcing the show's central message that returning to the past is an unattainable endeavor.