10 Giant Monster Movies Where The Creature Was The Good Guy

10 Giant Monster Movies Where The Creature Was The Good Guy

Exploring the Unexpected Heroes of Monster Movies

The Benevolent Monsters of Cinema: A Unique Perspective

In the realm of monster movies, the usual narrative of fear and destruction is subverted in some rare gems where the monstrous creatures take on the role of heroes. These films challenge the audience to look beyond appearances and embrace the unexpected saviors. From ancient beasts to misunderstood giants, the following list showcases 10 giant monster movies where the creature was the good guy.

1. The Big Friendly Giant (2016) - The BFG

In Steven Spielberg's adaptation of Roald Dahl's tale, 'The BFG,' a heartwarming friendship unfolds between a young girl named Sophie and the titular Big Friendly Giant. Together, they confront unfriendly giants and use the power of dreams to protect humanity. The BFG blends fantasy with themes of loneliness and acceptance, delivering a poignant message of companionship and bravery.

The BFG with Sophie on his shoulder - The Big Friendly Giant - The BFG (2016)

The BFG with Sophie on his shoulder - The Big Friendly Giant - The BFG (2016)

2. Gloria's Colossal Discovery (2016) - Colossal

Anne Hathaway shines as Gloria in 'Colossal,' a story where her inner turmoil materializes into a giant creature wreaking havoc in Seoul. As Gloria navigates her newfound power, she must confront a manipulative friend and her own demons. 'Colossal' cleverly uses the monster metaphor to explore personal growth and accountability, offering a fresh perspective on the genre.

The huge monster from Colossal. - Gloria - Colossal (2016)

The huge monster from Colossal. - Gloria - Colossal (2016)

3. The Indomitable T. Rex (2015) - Jurassic World

'Jurassic World' introduces a thrilling twist with the iconic T. Rex facing off against a formidable adversary, the Indominus rex. While the T. Rex isn't a traditional hero, its actions against the Indominus showcase a survival instinct that aligns with humanity's interests. This clash of titans challenges the notion of monsters and highlights the primal nature of these prehistoric creatures.

Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson looking behind them in Jurassic World - The T. Rex - Jurassic World (2015)

Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson looking behind them in Jurassic World - The T. Rex - Jurassic World (2015)

4. Gamera's Guardian Role (1995) - Gamera: Guardian Of The Universe

Gamera, the lesser-known giant monster, emerges as a protector of humanity in 'Gamera: Guardian of the Universe.' Through a special bond with Asagi, Gamera battles mythical foes, emphasizing trust and cooperation. This film showcases the importance of unity in the face of external threats and celebrates the enduring legacy of kaiju in cinema.

Gamera roaring in Gamera Guardian of the Universe - Gamera: Guardian Of The Universe (1995)

Gamera roaring in Gamera Guardian of the Universe - Gamera: Guardian Of The Universe (1995)

5. The Tragic King Kong (1933)

'King Kong' portrays the iconic ape as a tragic figure yearning for freedom from captivity. Despite his imposing presence, Kong's vulnerability and mistreatment by humans evoke sympathy, challenging perceptions of monstrosity. This classic film underscores the complexities of empathy and the consequences of exploiting nature's wonders.

King Kong on stage when captured in the 1933 movie - King Kong (1933)

King Kong on stage when captured in the 1933 movie - King Kong (1933)

6. The Reluctant Hero in 'Big Man Japan' (2007)

'Masaru Daisatō transforms into a giant to defend Japan in 'Big Man Japan,' offering a satirical take on monster heroics. Amidst comedic chaos, the film explores the mundane struggles of heroism and societal expectations. By questioning the essence of heroism, 'Big Man Japan' delivers a thought-provoking commentary on power and purpose.

Masaru Daisatō in Big Man Japan - Big Man Japan (2007)

Masaru Daisatō in Big Man Japan - Big Man Japan (2007)

7. Godzilla's Monstrous Allegiance (2019) - Godzilla: King Of The Monsters

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' portrays the titular creature as a formidable defender against global threats. As Godzilla faces mythological rivals, the film underscores humanity's role in unleashing chaos. Through Godzilla's relentless battles, the narrative reflects on accountability and the consequences of playing with forces beyond control.

Godzilla walking and roaring in The City In Godzilla King Of The Monsters - Godzilla: King Of The Monsters (2019)

Godzilla walking and roaring in The City In Godzilla King Of The Monsters - Godzilla: King Of The Monsters (2019)

8. Susan's Transformation (2009) - Monsters Vs. Aliens

Susan's transformation into a giant leads her on a journey of self-discovery in 'Monsters vs. Aliens.' Embracing her newfound identity, Susan joins a group of misfit monsters to defend Earth from alien invaders. The film celebrates individuality and teamwork, emphasizing that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Monsters Vs. Aliens - Susan - Monsters Vs. Aliens (2009)

Monsters Vs. Aliens - Susan - Monsters Vs. Aliens (2009)

9. Crusoe's Enigmatic Tale (2007) - The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep

'The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep' chronicles Angus' bond with Crusoe, a mythical creature reminiscent of the Loch Ness monster. As Angus navigates wartime challenges, Crusoe becomes a symbol of resilience and wonder. The film's exploration of friendship and acceptance resonates with themes of compassion and understanding.

Crusoe looking at a mysterious person laying on the dock in The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep - The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (2007)

Crusoe looking at a mysterious person laying on the dock in The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep - The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (2007)

10. Max's Wild Journey (2009) - Where The Wild Things Are

'Where The Wild Things Are' delves into Max's imaginative odyssey among the enigmatic Wild Things. Through Max's emotional voyage, the film captures the essence of childhood wonder and growth. The Wild Things serve as mirrors of Max's inner turmoil, reflecting the duality of innocence and complexity in youthful experiences.

Where the Wild Things Are - The Wild Things - Where The Wild Things Are (2009)

Where the Wild Things Are - The Wild Things - Where The Wild Things Are (2009)

11. Conclusion: Monsters as Unexpected Heroes

In a cinematic landscape dominated by monstrous adversaries, these films stand out for showcasing the unexpected heroism of giant creatures. By reimagining monsters as allies and protectors, these narratives challenge traditional tropes and inspire empathy for the misunderstood. Each film offers a unique perspective on heroism, friendship, and the enduring power of unlikely alliances.