10 DC Characters Perfect for the Green Lantern Series in the DC Universe

10 DC Characters Perfect for the Green Lantern Series in the DC Universe

Exploring the potential of Lanterns to bring iconic DCU characters to life within the Green Lantern show.

The upcoming Lanterns show from DCU is not only a chance to introduce Hal Jordan and John Stewart but also the wider world of Green Lanterns and its important supporting characters. Green Lantern has been a mainstay of DC Comics since the Silver Age, but it wasn't until Green Lantern: Rebirth by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver that DC started to build a rich history and lore around the Green Lanterns and the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. This has resulted in many memorable characters and storylines for the DCU to explore.

James Gunn has demonstrated with the cast of Superman: Legacy that he is willing to include numerous DC characters in a single project. He has even stated that as long as a character has a meaningful role in the story, he is not concerned about featuring too many established DC heroes or villains. If this approach carries over to Lanterns, audiences can likely anticipate at least a cameo from characters who play a significant part in the Green Lantern world.

Kilowog Is Close With Both Green Lanterns

Kilowog Is A Trainer For The Green Lanterns

A close-up of Kilowog in his lantern suit in Green Lantern (2011) - Kilowog Is A Trainer For The Green Lanterns - Kilowog Is Close With Both Green Lanterns

A close-up of Kilowog in his lantern suit in Green Lantern (2011) - Kilowog Is A Trainer For The Green Lanterns - Kilowog Is Close With Both Green Lanterns

Kilowog, the tough yet endearing drill sergeant of the Green Lantern Corps, has played a significant role in training many of Earth's Green Lanterns. This has forged a strong bond between him and Lanterns like Hal Jordan and John Stewart. It would be logical to use Kilowog as the main link for the main characters to connect with the rest of the Corps.

Sinestro is one of Green Lantern's biggest foes.

Sinestro Was Once A Green Lantern Before Betraying Them

A promotional image for Green Lantern (2011) featuring Sinestro on Oa. - Sinestro Was Once A Green Lantern Before Betraying Them - Sinestro Is One Of Green Lantern's Biggest Foes

A promotional image for Green Lantern (2011) featuring Sinestro on Oa. - Sinestro Was Once A Green Lantern Before Betraying Them - Sinestro Is One Of Green Lantern's Biggest Foes

Sinestro is a foe of all Green Lanterns, especially Hal Jordan. In the DCU, it is likely that Sinestro will have already switched sides to become a Yellow Lantern, betraying his former allies. While he may seem like a major villain for a mystery series, it is possible for him to make an appearance in some capacity.

In Green Lantern comics, Sinestro has shown that he is willing to cooperate with Green Lanterns if it benefits him. Introducing an episode where Hal and John must reluctantly team up with him could create tension and set the stage for a future showdown in the DCU. Sinestro's involvement could also pave the way for exploring the other colors of the Emotional Spectrum.

Kyle Rayner Creates The Best Green Lantern Constructs

Kyle Rayner Is An Artist In DC Comics

DC Comics illustration of Kyle Rayner as the Green Lantern, leaping into action - Kyle Rayner Is An Artist In DC Comics - Kyle Rayner Creates The Best Green Lantern Constructs

DC Comics illustration of Kyle Rayner as the Green Lantern, leaping into action - Kyle Rayner Is An Artist In DC Comics - Kyle Rayner Creates The Best Green Lantern Constructs

Having two Earth's Green Lanterns in Lanterns is great, but it would be interesting to see another Lantern make an appearance. It would show who is protecting Earth when Hal and John are not around. While Guy Gardner is already part of the cast, choosing Kyle Rayner could bring a fresh and exciting element to the story.

Tomar-Re Can Be A Mentor To John Stewart

Tomar-Re has the potential to be a mentor to John Stewart, guiding him in the ways of the Green Lantern Corps. As an experienced member of the Corps, Tomar-Re can offer valuable advice and training to help John fulfill his duties as a Green Lantern. By establishing this mentorship early on, it can add depth to John's character development and provide interesting storylines for future Green Lantern comics.

Tomar-Re Is A Highly Respected Green Lantern

Tomar-Re surrounded by the Green Lantern's light and flying - Tomar-Re Is A Highly Respected Green Lantern - Tomar-Re Can Be A Mentor To John Stewart

Tomar-Re surrounded by the Green Lantern's light and flying - Tomar-Re Is A Highly Respected Green Lantern - Tomar-Re Can Be A Mentor To John Stewart

Tomar-Re is a respected elder in the Green Lantern Corps. He was responsible for protecting Krypton before its destruction, showcasing his long tenure in the Corps. Additionally, Tomar-Re plays a significant role in John Stewart's journey as a Green Lantern by providing him with his own Green Lantern ring.

In the DC Comics universe, Tomar-Re is presumed deceased during the time of the show. Nevertheless, flashbacks could feature him to help develop John Stewart's character. John initially joined the Marines to create a better world but grew disheartened when his commanding officer advocated for civilian casualties. Highlighting John's bond with Tomar-Re and his admiration for the Green Lantern Corps would illustrate his principles and how they mirror those of the Lanterns.

Mogo The Living Planet Is Perfect For A James Gunn Project

Mogo Is A Planet Who Was Chosen By A Green Lantern Ring

Mogo shoots a giant beam of green energy in a DC comic - Mogo Is A Planet Who Was Chosen By A Green Lantern Ring - Mogo The Living Planet Is Perfect For A James Gunn Project

Mogo shoots a giant beam of green energy in a DC comic - Mogo Is A Planet Who Was Chosen By A Green Lantern Ring - Mogo The Living Planet Is Perfect For A James Gunn Project

Mogo, a unique character in DC Comics, is known as one of the most eccentric Green Lanterns. This living planet is not only a member of the Green Lantern Corps but also has the ability to manipulate its own landscape. In a display of creativity, Mogo has been seen rearranging the trees on its surface to form the iconic Green Lantern symbol, visible even from space.

Guy Gardner Is Already In The DCU

Guy Gardner is already a part of the DC Universe. With James Gunn potentially bringing his unique touch to Lanterns, there is a chance that characters like Guy Gardner could be further developed. Embracing the weird and wonderful aspects of comic book characters like Gardner would be a positive step for the DCU.

Nathan Fillion Will Play Guy Gardner In Superman: Legacy (2025)

Guy Gardner with baseball bat in DC Comics - Nathan Fillion Will Play Guy Gardner In Superman: Legacy (2025) - Guy Gardner Is Already In The DCU

Guy Gardner with baseball bat in DC Comics - Nathan Fillion Will Play Guy Gardner In Superman: Legacy (2025) - Guy Gardner Is Already In The DCU

Star Sapphire Would Shed Light On Hal Jordan's Flaws

Including Guy Gardner in Superman: Legacy could help connect Lanterns to the larger DC Universe and establish a timeline. Since Lanterns is based in space, it may be challenging to link it to other DCU events. Even a brief appearance by Gardner could enhance the sense of a shared universe and add some humor to the show.

Carol Ferris Was Once Hal Jordan's Boss And Girlfriend

Star Sapphire using her Power Ring in DC Comics - Carol Ferris Was Once Hal Jordan's Boss And Girlfriend - Star Sapphire Would Shed Light On Hal Jordan's Flaws

Star Sapphire using her Power Ring in DC Comics - Carol Ferris Was Once Hal Jordan's Boss And Girlfriend - Star Sapphire Would Shed Light On Hal Jordan's Flaws

Carol Ferris, also known as Star Sapphire, would be a great addition to the Lanterns because she could help introduce various aspects of the Green Lantern world. As a member of the Star Sapphire Corps, Carol would bring in the violet light of the Emotional Spectrum, which symbolizes love. This would highlight the use of positive emotions to power the rings.

While any Star Sapphire could introduce the concept of violet light to the DC Universe, Carol Ferris would be a suitable choice due to her relationship with Hal Jordan. In DC Comics, Carol and Hal have been involved romantically, but their relationship often faces challenges. Showing that Hal struggles to maintain a relationship with someone who wields the power of love could help reveal some of his flaws.

Atrocitus Would Cast Doubt On The Green Lantern's Mission

Atrocitus Is The Founding Memeber Of The Red Lantern Corps

Atrocitus angry and and flying into space in DC Comics - Atrocitus Is The Founding Memeber Of The Red Lantern Corps - Atrocitus Would Cast Doubt On The Green Lantern's Mission

Atrocitus angry and and flying into space in DC Comics - Atrocitus Is The Founding Memeber Of The Red Lantern Corps - Atrocitus Would Cast Doubt On The Green Lantern's Mission

In Green Lantern comics, one consistent theme is that the Guardians of the Universe, who created the Green Lantern Corps, are not perfect beings. Atrocitus is a character who knows this well, as his whole sector of the universe was destroyed by the Guardians' earlier creation, the Manhunters. Atrocitus could bring doubt to the two main Green Lanterns, creating internal conflict as they work to fulfill the Guardians' mission.

Ganthet Is One Of The Few Likable Guardians

Ganthet stands out as one of the few likable Guardians due to his compassion and understanding towards the other beings in the universe. Unlike the rest of the Guardians who often come off as cold and distant, Ganthet shows empathy and a willingness to see things from different perspectives. His unique qualities make him a refreshing character within the Green Lantern universe.

The Guardians Of The Universe Created The Green Lantern Corps

Guardian of the Universe Ganthet in DC Comics - The Guardians Of The Universe Created The Green Lantern Corps - Ganthet Is One Of The Few Likable Guardians

Guardian of the Universe Ganthet in DC Comics - The Guardians Of The Universe Created The Green Lantern Corps - Ganthet Is One Of The Few Likable Guardians

Larfleeze Embodies The Emotional Spectrum The Best

It would be logical for the first major Green Lantern project to feature the Guardians of the Universe to illustrate how the Green Lantern Corps operates. To garner audience sympathy for the Guardians, selecting Ganthet as their representative would be a wise choice. Ganthet stands out from other Guardians by being more in tune with his emotions, allowing him to connect with the Lanterns on a deeper emotional level. Introducing Ganthet first would also add a surprising twist if the Guardians are revealed to be in the wrong, a common theme in DC.

Larfleeze Has The Only Orange Lantern Ring

Larfleeze cradles the Orange Power Battery in DC Comics - Larfleeze Has The Only Orange Lantern Ring - Larfleeze Embodies The Emotional Spectrum The Best

Larfleeze cradles the Orange Power Battery in DC Comics - Larfleeze Has The Only Orange Lantern Ring - Larfleeze Embodies The Emotional Spectrum The Best

While each Lantern Corps embodies a distinct emotion, the similarity arises when they all utilize rings to create constructs and battle one another. However, Larfleez stands out as the sole Orange Lantern, symbolizing greed. He hoards the Orange Power Battery, refusing to share it with anyone else. Larfleez's unique characteristics make him an excellent example of how individual personalities align with the various colors of light on the Emotional Spectrum within the Lantern Corps.

Editor's P/S:

The upcoming Lanterns show has the potential to introduce a vast and captivating universe of Green Lanterns and their supporting characters. The article highlights several key figures who could make memorable appearances, each with their own unique traits and contributions to the Green Lantern lore. From the legendary drill sergeant Kilowog to the complex and intriguing Sinestro, these characters would add depth and intrigue to the show.

The article also explores the significance of introducing Kyle Rayner, Tomar-Re, and Carol Ferris, each of whom brings their own strengths and perspectives to the Green Lantern world. Their inclusion would not only showcase the diverse nature of the Corps but also provide opportunities for character development and exploration of the emotional spectrum. Overall, the article provides a compelling case for the inclusion of these characters, who would undoubtedly enrich the Lanterns show and further expand the DCU's cosmic landscape.