The Top 15 Iconic Lightsaber Designs From Star Wars

Exploring the most iconic lightsaber designs that have made a mark in Star Wars lore. Discover the coolest and most unique lightsaber hilts in the galaxy far, far away.
In the first Star Wars film, Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber made its iconic debut, setting the stage for a series of unique and diverse lightsaber hilts in the franchise. From a production perspective, Luke’s original saber in A New Hope was constructed from spare antique camera parts. However, the functionality of a lightsaber is much more intricate in the Canon, with each component playing a crucial role in its proper operation.
While the majority of lightsabers in Star Wars share a common cylindrical design, there are numerous characters who have personalized and customized their saber hilts to be truly one-of-a-kind. Both Canon and Legends showcase a wide array of hilt designs, each with its own distinct features. Some of the most extraordinary sabers in Star Wars include small additions to the hilt that introduce additional lasers, or are crafted from unique materials not typically found in other hilts.
Count Dooku’s Curved Lightsaber
First appearance: Attack of the Clones
Count Dooku wielding lightsaber in Star Wars - First appearance: Attack of the Clones - Count Dooku’s Curved Lightsaber
Count Dooku's lightsaber stands out for its elegant curved design, a departure from the usual straight hilts. This unique feature complements Dooku's fighting style, giving him more precision and grace when wielding the saber. While other Jedi and Sith have also wielded curved lightsabers, Count Dooku was among the first to showcase and make this design popular on screen.
Maris Brood’s Tonfa Lightsabers
First appearance: The Force Unleashed Novel
Star Wars Maris Brood - First appearance: The Force Unleashed Novel - Maris Brood’s Tonfa Lightsabers
Tonfa lightsabers, also known as guard shoto, are still considered Canon in Star Wars because they have been mentioned in a few guide books. However, it was Maris Brood from The Force Unleashed novel and video game who first made this unique saber hilt popular in Star Wars Legends. These sabers have an additional handle protruding from the side of the traditional hilt, allowing the user to hold the saber in a unique way and enhance their defensive capabilities.
Gungi’s Wooden Lightsaber
First appearance: The Clone Wars
Gungi Wooden Lightsaber in Star Wars The Clone Wars - First appearance: The Clone Wars - Gungi’s Wooden Lightsaber
Gungi’s lightsaber may look like a regular lightsaber at first glance, but the material he used sets it apart. Instead of the usual metal and alloy, Gungi opted for Brylark wood to construct his hilt, a choice that stood out from the norm. Even when other Jedi Padawans succumbed during Order 66, Gungi's distinctive lightsaber remained in use during The Bad Batch season 2, continuing on into the Imperial Era.
Kylo Ren’s Unstable Crossguard Lightsaber
First appearance: The Force Awakens
Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Crossguard Lightsaber - First appearance: The Force Awakens - Kylo Ren’s Unstable Crossguard Lightsaber
Kylo Ren’s crossguard lightsaber has a unique hilt for a few reasons. Firstly, he was the first character in the Star Wars Canon to make the crossguard design popular. The cracked kyber crystal in his saber adds an element of instability to his blade, which is not common in other lightsabers. Moreover, the hilt of his lightsaber stands out from the traditional design as some of the wiring is visible on the outside of the hilt, rather than being hidden inside.
Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber
First appearance: The Phantom Menace
Darth Maul appears and prepares to do batle with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in The Phantom Menace - First appearance: The Phantom Menace - Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Darth Maul introduced the double-bladed lightsaber in The Phantom Menace, making it a hit among Jedi and Sith. His unique design involved simply welding two regular lightsabers together. This innovation gave Maul a distinct fighting style that proved to be more than a match for Qui-Gon Jinn.
Ezra Bridger’s Lightsaber Blaster
First appearance: Rebels
Ezra Bridger Lightsaber Blaster - First appearance: Rebels - Ezra Bridger’s Lightsaber Blaster
Ezra Bridger’s unique lightsaber-blaster combo seems to playfully challenge Obi-Wan Kenobi's traditional stance against blasters in Star Wars. Unlike other Jedi, Bridger had to adapt quickly to survive the Empire's relentless pursuit of him and the Ghost Crew. To cover all bases, he incorporated a blaster into his lightsaber hilt, providing a backup plan for when his saber skills weren't enough.
Inquisitor Lightsaber
First appearance: Rebels
Marrok Inquisitor in Ahsoka - First appearance: Rebels - Inquisitor Lightsaber
Most Imperial Inquisitors wielded a double-bladed lightsaber like Darth Maul's, but with a unique twist. The central handle allowed both blades to spin rapidly. Although they used this feature to intimidate many, experienced Jedi post-Order 66 knew how to counter their flashy tactics.
Rey’s Switchblade Lightsaber
First appearance: The Rise of Skywalker
Sith Rey with her red lightsaber in The Rise of Skywalker - First appearance: The Rise of Skywalker - Rey’s Switchblade Lightsaber
Rey’s unstable switchblade lightsaber was originally just a concept seen in a Force vision. The design was inspired by Jedi General Pong Krell’s hinged double-bladed lightsaber from The Clone Wars, but Rey’s Sith switchblade took it to the next level. Even though it was only a fleeting vision, if Rey ever did embrace the dark side, her switchblade would be a powerful and fearsome weapon.
Tenel Ka Djo’s Rancor Tooth Lightsaber
First appearance: Young Jedi Knights
Tenel Ka from Young Jedi Knights with a ranco tooth lightsaber hilt - First appearance: Young Jedi Knights - Tenel Ka Djo’s Rancor Tooth Lightsaber
Tenel Ka Djo, a character from Star Wars Legends, may not be as well-known now, but her first lightsaber is still considered one of the coolest in the galaxy. She was a member of Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order and instead of using traditional materials like metal or wood for her hilt, she opted for an enormous tooth from a rancor. To make it even more awesome, she carved battle etchings into it.
Darth Malgus’ Lightsaber Axe
First appearance: The Old Republic - Deceived trailer
Darth Malgus Lightsaber Axe - First appearance: The Old Republic - Deceived trailer - Darth Malgus’ Lightsaber Axe
Adding real blades to a lightsaber may seem strange at first. However, Darth Malgus’ axe hilt is considered one of the most fierce designs in Star Wars. The axe head on his hilt was not just for show - it added weight to his saber. With powerful swings, he would often knock his opponents’ lightsabers out of their hands and overpower them with sheer force.
Lord Corvax’s Lightsaber
First appearance: Vader Immortal
lord-corvax-lightsaber - First appearance: Vader Immortal - Lord Corvax’s Lightsaber
Lord Corvax’s lightsaber, featured in the Vader Immortal virtual reality game, may not be as well-known as others. However, its intricate and stylish design is truly impressive. Corvax resided on Mustafar more than a thousand years prior to the Skywalker Saga. What sets his lightsaber apart is that, unlike most others in the Star Wars universe, the kyber crystal in his ancient hilt is visible on the outside rather than hidden within.
First apparance: The Clone Wars
Pre Vizsla with the Darksaber in Star Wars The Clone Wars. - First apparance: The Clone Wars
The Darksaber is truly one-of-a-kind when it comes to iconic lightsaber blades. It not only earned the admiration of all Mandalorians but also boasted one of the most fascinating hilts in the Star Wars universe. While most lightsabers have cylindrical hilts, the Darksaber stood out with its unique rectangular design. Additionally, the blade of the Darksaber resembled more of a sword rather than a traditional cylindrical shape.
Stellan Gios’ Foldable Crossguard Lightsaber
First appearance: The High Republic
Stellan Gios' lightsaber design. - First appearance: The High Republic - Stellan Gios’ Foldable Crossguard Lightsaber
Stellan Gios’ foldable crossguard lightsaber, featured in The High Republic novels, has not been seen on-screen yet. However, its innovative design definitely deserves more attention. In comparison to Kylo Ren’s crossguard lightsaber, Gios’ version is a significant improvement. The quillons on Gios’ saber can be folded up when not in use, making it much more convenient to carry. Additionally, when unfolded, these quillons provide extra protection for Gios’ hands against the additional blades on his lightsaber.
Plo Koon’s Gauntlet Lightsaber
First appearance: Revenge of the Sith Concept Art
Plo Koon Lightsaber Gauntlet Concept - First appearance: Revenge of the Sith Concept Art - Plo Koon’s Gauntlet Lightsaber
Plo Koon's gauntlet lightsaber is considered one of the most mysterious designs in lightsaber history. It was featured in concept art by Derek Thompson for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. This unique lightsaber was not a typical hilt but more like a wrist bracer with two small green lightsabers sticking out on each side, similar to Wolverine's claws. Surprisingly, this distinctive hilt design has never been seen in any Star Wars film or series.
Senya Tirall’s Telescopic Lightsaber Pike
First appearance: The Old Republic - Sacrifice trailer
Senya Tirall with an extendable lightsaber. - First appearance: The Old Republic - Sacrifice trailer - Senya Tirall’s Telescopic Lightsaber Pike
Lightsaber pikes and staffs have appeared in Star Wars Legends and Canon, but Senya Tirall's is unique. Her hilt had a telescopic staff that could collapse and extend. This feature made it convenient to carry and was useful in fights. Senya was skilled at manipulating the staff, using it effectively as a weapon.
Lightsaber Parasol
First appearance: Visions
Star-Wars-Visions-Lightsaber-Umbrella - First appearance: Visions - Lightsaber Parasol
The lightsaber parasol may appear impractical and unnecessary at first glance, but it stands out as one of the most distinct hilt designs in the Star Wars universe. In Star Wars Visions, a Sith named Kouru wielded this unique lightsaber, which boasted eight foldable blades that could be rapidly spun. Resembling an Inquisitor blade, Kouru's lightsaber parasol enabled her to effectively deflect a barrage of incoming attacks.
Lightsaber Rifle
First appearance: Darth Vader 9
STar Wars Lightsaber Rifle - First appearance: Darth Vader 9
The lightsaber rifle stands out among the unique lightsaber hilt designs in Star Wars. Unlike traditional lightsabers, this weapon uses lightsaber hilts as ammo. With the ability to fire around five deadly blasts before the lightsaber melts and becomes unusable, it remains a powerful and formidable weapon. Although it has only been featured in comics and books so far, there is still hope that this awesome weapon will one day be seen on-screen in a future Star Wars project.
Editor's P/S:
The article provides a fascinating glimpse into the diverse and imaginative world of lightsaber hilts in the Star Wars franchise. From the iconic curved design of Count Dooku's lightsaber to the unique foldable crossguard lightsaber of Stellan Gios, each hilt showcases the creativity and innovation of the Star Wars universe. The article highlights the significance of each component in the functionality of a lightsaber, emphasizing the intricate details that bring these weapons to life.
The array of lightsaber hilts presented in the article showcases the vast possibilities and customization options available within the Star Wars universe. Whether it's the exotic materials used, such as rancor teeth and wood, or the incorporation of additional features like blasters and axes, these unique designs reflect the individuality and fighting styles of their wielders. The article effectively conveys the evolution of lightsaber hilts, from the simplicity of Luke Skywalker's original saber to the technologically advanced designs seen in recent Star Wars projects. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of Star Wars and its ability to captivate audiences with its imaginative and visually stunning elements.