Tensions rise as Takaba faces off against the formidable Kenjaku, sparking an intense battle in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 Meanwhile, Gojo's students engage in a crucial discussion, setting the stage...
Kenjaku takes center stage in Jujutsu Kaisen 240 as he makes his move Takaba's formidable power comes into play, but will it be enough? As the battle unfolds, Kenjaku faces resistance and an epic clas...
Unveiling the Enigmatic Kenjaku in Jujutsu Kaisen: Discover the true identity of this malevolent character, known as the pseudo-Geto, as we delve into his ancient sorcery, multiple hosts over the year...
Season 2, episode 9 of Jujutsu Kaisen left fans stunned as Satoru Gojo was sealed Discover the intriguing story behind Kenjaku's takeover of Suguru Geto's body in this captivating article
Discover the enigmatic Kenjaku and his mysterious agenda in Jujutsu Kaisen Unravel the intricate plot as he seeks to merge humanity with cursed energy An anime and manga masterpiece that enthralls wit...